Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Toasted Pumpkin

I spent my day with a 5 year old, both of us in our paint clothes painting the outside of my house. Only one side was completed today. And, yes, toasted pumpkin was my choice and damn if it's not orange! I've always wanted to paint my house orange and I looked at all the nice siennas and tame clays, but went for the incredibly bright toasted pumpkin with an equally bright blackberry farm purple for the trim.

One only lives so long. It's good to be the standout once in a while. And on this block I will most definitely be the standout. One day down and many more to go.

Enough of my ramblings here be your update.

Oh, one more reminder...less than two weeks left to vote for your favorite Pheasant McNuggets Contest Entry.

Have grand night/day,


Tamara said...

I like the fact that y'all have wood houses that get painted keen colors. Brick being popular here you don't get much variety. And certainly nothing as exciting as orange. It sure beats pea green and baby blue which seem to be the colors most houses sport.

E said...

Orange beats everything.

Tamara said...

Not red. I'd want a red house.

E said...

Red is second. I think your house would be lovely in red. All the brick would be grand next to the red bits.

Anonymous said...

Our house is red! Unfortunately, everyone has red houses and orange and purple....In my neighborhood there's not a color that is too bright to paint one's house. Hence E., you could move your house down south and fit right in....Hopefully, you started your painting on the street side. A couple of years ago we decided to paint our window trim. We didn't consider that we have a gazillion windows, so alas, we stopped after painting the street side....Our neighbors have offered to help us finish...for pizza and beer of course! Anyways...enjoy the color...it sounds wonderfully cool...