Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Travelin' Woman

I'm officially in the land of rain and gray skies. Even though I spent all of my morning traveling it wasn't too onerous. After a few trips to visit E in Seattle I've discovered that taking a United flight through Denver is the way to go. This way I get to avoid the Dallas/Ft. Worth airport and the sometimes not-so-friendly folks at American Airlines. Always a plus.

So after an incredibly early wake up call (5 am) I spent the next five hours flying and reading only to arrive in Seattle by 10:30 local time. Gotta love those time zones. Almost makes me feel like I didn't use a good chunk of my day traveling.

Anyway, E and I have been lazy today. Rain will do that to me. Tomorrow we promise to announce the winners of the bad food contest. I brought books to donate to the cause and we're shipping those puppies out this week. Yippee!

Enjoy the updates!



Anonymous said...

I'm glad that you arrived safely--hope that ya'll enjoy visiting.

Tamara said...

Oh, most definitely I'll enjoy visiting. Never a dull moment when we're together. Even something as innocuous as a visit to Costco can be fun.