Monday, September 11, 2006


For those of us in the US, September 11 is a day of great significance. I like to remember this day but also keep in mind that we're not the only nation to undergo tests such as this. In fact, the US has been incredibly lucky in its ability to be isolated from most of the conflicts that have plagued the world during this modern age.

I wish I could say I was more proud of my country on this day. I wish I could point to leadership that I had confidence in. Leadership that would strive to hold true to the values my country was founded upon.

Until the day I can once again say that I'm proud of the way my government represents my country, I vow to continue refusing the attempts to make me afraid. I promise to hold true to the values our country was founded upon. Illegal spying on Americans, torture camps and being held indefinitely without due process are never valuable "tools" in the war against terror. I'll keep hoping that once this administration is gone, my country can benefit from honest leadership that works to fix the mess the last eight years have made.


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