Monday, September 18, 2006

Request for Help

Some of you may have noticed the site has been up and down a lot lately. Our web host recently dealt with server issues but we're still experiencing some problems and they've asked that we let them know when the site is down. Several of you have been very helpful and emailed us when you couldn't get to the site. Dreamhost would like to know when and where these issues occur so if you have trouble connecting, pop an email off to us at or you can post a message to the Uber Etc. Yahoo group. Don't worry about posting to the group and having those messages going out to everyone on the list. They'll only make it to us.

And finally a little bit of hype. Geonn has announced another LJ fic-a-thon challenge that will encompass the Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis femslash fandoms. It's called A Nice & Clean Fic-a-thon. Head over to the rules page for a description of the Fic-a-thon: It sounds fun.

Enjoy the updates!


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