Sunday, September 24, 2006

My Finicky Nose

Today my vacation consisted of sneezing...lots of it. I woke up today with a wonderful allergy attack. What was I allergic to? Beats the heck out of me. All I know is I woke up sniffling and it got worse. So bad that after breakfast I took a magic pill and slept for an hour.

Slept great, woke up and was still having issues so I told E let's go outside and get some of her outdoor chores done. Fortunately chopping at ivy worked up a good sweat and got my blood pumping enough to get my body's natural stuff working. My nose cleared up. And I crashed. For two and a half hours. Can you say slug?

Oh well. At least I helped with the ivy problem. And I got a killer brisket on which has been cooking all day. Potatos are boiling right now for potato salad. Time to tempt Seattle born and bred E with the wonders of meat once again.


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