Saturday, August 02, 2014

An Odd Saturday

Our summer weather was to be around 88, not even close yet. We have had thunder and rain (not in the forecast). Once again our forecasters prove their inability to forecast reality. Reading a forecast is kinda like guessing around this city. Open your window create your own forecast. Good luck.

Enjoy the updates. We'll hope for more tomorrow.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think weather forecasts must be the same every where. The Met Office (the government department that produces all the weather forecasts - for military, aviation, shipping, and for all the national and local radio and television broadcasters) is in our city. It's just down the road, I could drive there in less than 15 minutes. And they still get it wrong on local forecasts. All they have to do it look through the window. Hopeless
