Thursday, August 07, 2014

Adventures in Roof Painting

The roof project is almost done. I thought actually putting the rubber sealant would go quickly. Not so. Yesterday I started around 9am. Worked until 12:30 because I was out of sealant. I ate lunch then went to Lowe's to pick up another 5 gallon bucket. That first bucket had only covered about 1/3 of the roof. It's really thick and quite the workout to brush it on.

After a break to pick up another brush (the first brush was no longer staying on the stick due to major usage), I worked until about 5pm and used up most of the second bucket. Later that evening, E ran and got me a third bucket of sealant because that second bucket was running very low.

I discovered that first day the roof coating is much easier to put on a roof that isn't baking hot in the sun. Tomorrow I'll get up there first thing and hopefully finish the bulk of the work. This weekend I'll head back up and use a smaller brush to get all of the spots I couldn't get with the bigger broom/brush.

I'll be so happy when this project is done. My back and arms are a wee bit sore. I'm glad I've done it. I think it'll give our roof that two years it needs.


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