Sunday, August 31, 2014

School is just around the corner!

The kids and I have Monday and Tuesday and then school starts Wednesday. Actually I have to be at school from 1 to 4 on Tuesday for meetings.

I'm going to soak up my little bit of time left to sleep in.


Saturday, August 30, 2014

Quiet Saurday

No kids and not many chores makes for a very calm Saturday. A little rain has been giving the plants outside the break they have been waiting for. Tamara and I have taken it nice and slow. Enjoying the house with no fans running, it seems so quiet.

Of course, not many to read tonight. I suggest heading back a few days to Ze's monster updates. Enjoy your weekend.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Friday, August 29, 2014

Vacation Continues

E is enjoying her few days off from work. We haven't done too much. Today Cal and I went to pick up our comics. Our weekend ahead looks to be quiet.

Small update. I'll let you get to it.


Thursday, August 28, 2014

Vacation Begins

The trial finished up yesterday and I am officially on vacation today through next Tuesday. Time with Tamara until Monday when the kids will join us. Splendid. No major plans...I need to clean up my desk a bit, fill my mp3 player with some new music I bought and find a place to order a couple cords of wood. Easy stuff and that is perfect.

Here is hoping the week is going well. Good news is tomorrow is Friday and the weekend is right around the corner. For us US folks Monday is Labor Day an official holiday. Enjoy it all.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Wednesday, August 27, 2014


All day. Drizzle. It couldn't work its way up to a real rainstorm, nor could it stop completely. It just drizzled. A grey rain from a grey sky on a grey day. The wind was pretty chilly too. I think summer's over.

I was a little worried when Snow didn't come charging out of her bed for her supper. Usually she's eager for it, sometimes even stretching herself up my leg to demand it. Nothing to worry about though, she was there in a flash when she realised that, yes, I had her supper bowl and no, I wasn't going to make her go outside and exercise.

She didn't care too much for the weather either.

Sensible ferret.

See you next week. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Rainy Days and Mondays

I nearly missed the update tonight. Yesterday was a bank holiday here so I had the day off, consequently I've spent most of today feeling as though it were Monday...

Of course, being a bank holiday, and with the kids being off school, it rained. It absolutely bucketed down. All day.

Poor little Snow didn't get to run around the garden, or go for a walk, she had to settle for playing with her indoor toys, which aren't nearly as much fun as digging up my tomato plants or playing hide-and-seek in the geraniums...

I had intended to go to the zoo with Barbara and her mother, (although I'm not a big fan of zoos the one nearby isn't too bad), but the weather was far too awful for that. We went to the cinema instead. Barbara is still a bit young for the violent action or sci-fi movies I usually watch so it was a choice of The Lion King or a cartoon about squirrel thieves called The Nut Job. (Which quite frankly looked dire). Fortunately Barbara preferred The Lion King. I wouldn't say it was particularly brilliant but it was ok. Barbara loved it though, which is the important thing.


Monday, August 25, 2014

Jury Duty

Bad news for E...she got picked for a trial. It could have been worse though. She could have been assigned to the trial that's expected to last 16 weeks. Now her week long trial doesn't seem so bad.


Sunday, August 24, 2014

Waiting to Call

Today after 5pm I can call and see if I am needed for jury duty this week. Here is hoping no. Yeah it's my civic duty and all but I am telling you from experience it is not that pleasant. My work is not either but in some way it's better than this.

For one, I'll have to figure out transportation as paying up to 20 dollars per day to park is not feasible. Hence bus here I come. Also I'll be bringing a lunch but there is no frig or microwave, so it has to be something generic or I have to spend a lot and go out for lunch. All and all there are numerous reason why at 5pm I am hoping it says no not needed.

Enjoy your updates.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Saturday, August 23, 2014

Lazy Saturday

We've had a lazy Saturday. Soon we'll be heading to a birthday party at Golden Gardens. Emory will likely run around with her friends, E will chat and I will read my book and enjoy the lovely evening outdoors.


Friday, August 22, 2014

Splendid Friday

This was a really nice day. Few hours of work this morning home by afternoon, out to lunch with all the kids and Tamara. Then Tamara, Emory and myself went and saw Chef. An enjoyable film. And now the weekend arrives...yay!

Enjoy your updates.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Thursday, August 21, 2014

School Days

The new school year is gearing up. I had my first team meeting today. Was it constructive? I'll just say at least I got paid to be there. Our next team meeting the day before school will be much better I'm sure.

Monday Cal picks up his class schedule for Middle School. I'm sure this school year is going to be an eye-opening experience for him as he gets used to multiple classes. I may end up with a few more gray hairs by the time school ends.

Little e is entering her final year at the Bright Water School. She's already swamped with homework and we've been told there will be even more this year. The rationale behind this is they'll have lots of homework in high school so this will prepare them.

More homework in HS...that's true. The difference is she won't have to lushly illustrate every single assignment. When she has math homework in high school she'll just have to solve the equations. Something tells me she's not going to be overwhelmed by high school.


Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Latin is a Language, as Dead as Dead Can Be.

It killed the ancient Romans, and now it's killing me...

Yes, I definitely have torn my triceps. Not fun. Have a heat pack and some painkillers and am grumpy. We have a bank holiday coming up this weekend which I am not going to work, so I should get enough rest for it to heal.

Oh - and to the person who emailed me to point out that it should be tricep - no, it shouldn't. Nor should it be bicep. Triceps and biceps are Latin words and they are singular. If you want to be really picky the correct plural forms are tricipites and bicipites. But we English speakers (of all varieties) are lazy, so we use triceps and biceps as both singular and plural.

See - I told you I was grumpy.

I did Latin at school. I was no good at it. I have tried to learn it as an adult. I am still no good at it. I can remember some things though. Such as the plural form of triceps.

And Three Blind Mice (which I think goes...tres mures, tres mures, quae qui currant, quae qui currant, secuna agricolae uxorem, quae caudo secuit cultro rem, qui vidit magis mirabilem quam hos mures... I can say it but I'm not sure I can spell it correctly these days, it's been a hell of a long time since age 11).

Oh yeah, my Latin teacher was singularly unamused by my writing those two opening sentences in the front of my Latin workbook...I got detention for a fortnight.

See you next week. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Time's Winged Chariot

It's late. I'm tired. I think I've pulled a muscle in my arm (a triceps by the feel of it). My bad shoulder hurts like hell and I've taken some heavy-duty painkillers. So I've not really got a lot to say.

I was digging at work. With a spade. All day. The ground is dry, hard and bloody difficult to dig. For the first time ever I thought to myself, "I'm getting too old for this sh*t". Maybe I need to have a think about work. Perhaps it's time I gave up working on the big sites and concentrated on the small, private jobs. The money's not as guaranteed and the work's not as steady, but it's a lot easier on the body.

I just have to admit to myself that I'm not as young as I used to be...

Oh, apologies to all those who check updates via email from the Yahoo groups' mail. I have no idea why Yahoo is buggering about with our formatting and turning everything into one big wall of text. Maybe they've "improved" it again...


Monday, August 18, 2014


My set is just enough to get us in trouble but not out. Last night I got lucky after spending money. We were having a nice evening, however, our web has been a bit wonky lately and yesterday was the finale to our wireless router. I could hook my machine up directly to cable box with no issues but with the router we kept losing connection and than no connection. Bah.

We jumped in the vehicle and headed to Best Buy. Sadly Sunday night they close fairly early, so a drive up the parking lot to Target where a mid range Net Gear was obtained. Home, set it up and viola! easiest issue fix I have had in a long while. Still working today so that is a bonus.

Now we have to reset all the streaming items. We have a few. Wish I knew a little more about networking and such. I seem to be very lame. Trying to set up a local network with no luck.

Overall it was a reasonably priced fix. Could have been worse.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Sunday, August 17, 2014

Beautiful Sunday

Another tiny update for y'all. I'm hopeful for more tomorrow and, if not then, you know there'll be a nice influx from Ze on Tuesday.


Saturday, August 16, 2014

Nice Easy Weekend

Easy chore day and lunch with Cal. All good.

Sorry for the tiny, repetitive update.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Friday, August 15, 2014

Date Night

Posting and running off to see Obvious Child.


Thursday, August 14, 2014

Words from Joan

She once again shares with us her insights. Sometimes I wish I could give her a big hug, this is one of those times.
Let me offer my take on depression.


Ze's ramble on Robbie Wiliams' death made me wonder if I should add my take on the subject -- not generally, but from a personal point of view.

I don't usually speak about this, but Ze's post made me aware that too few people know the hell real depression is.

I am depressed at not being promoted. About my partner wanting to leave me. About my daughter being a lesbian (evil grin here). You are not depressed. You are disappointed, unhappy, worrying. You might have problems sleeping properly, find yourself being unable to concentrate.

For a time. Whenever you can pinpoint the source of your bad feelings, you are not depressive.

Time heals wounds, even if it may not seem so for a while. So people say. And like all (or most) sayings, that is not always true. Think of the terrible wounds to their souls, not less than to their bodies, soldiers bring home from a battlefield. Sometimes, though, the reason for, in this case depression, is less obvious.

It's probably something that happened very early in life. The point is not that the parents did not love you, it's that perhaps they had no means of making you *feel* that they did. It's not about having done something wrong or having been done wrong to. It's finding yourself in a life where you can never ever be good enough for someone to really love you. So you try, frantically. And, of course, you fail. And again. You consider suicide (tried it myself a couple of times: messy, and harder than it seems or I wouldn't be writing this). I hope to avoid another attempt until my Ma, aged 81, passes before me. It would kill her. And that is about the only thing that keeps me alive; hope I can keep up the resolve.

Ze put it very succinctly: depression is not sorrow; it is a deep black hole you have not the ghost of a chance to climb out of.

Sorry to leave on a rather desperate note. Just thought you might be interested in an inside view.


Joan, one can only wish and hope for you to get some Peace within this place. May the light shine through.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Wednesday, August 13, 2014

It Must Be the Angels Crying

I'm fairly sure that all of the world's major religions have the commandment (or something similar to it) that "thou shalt not kill". So why the hell are there so many fanatics butchering people left, right, and centre?? Because if your god/s have told you not to murder people and you go around not only killing people by the hundreds and thousands, but claiming you're doing so in his/her/their name, I would hazard a guess that they will be pretty pissed off with you when it comes to your turn to face them.

So how about this for a radical idea?? Stop bloody well killing people.

I look at what's happening in Gaza, and Nigeria, and Syria, and Afghanistan, and Pakistan, and Iraq (in the mess we left behind us), and a dozen more countries across the world, not to mention the hate being spewed by religious fanatics in the USA (and over here) and all I can think of is that JoDee Messina song.

How did something which is supposed to bring peace, and love, and joy into people's lives get so twisted??


On a lighter note...

Snow got a new toy. I brought home a piece of uPVC waste-pipe from work (with permission). It's the fairly wide sort that fits toilets. It unused of course. It's a left over piece from some installations and it's too short to be of any use. But it's perfect for a little ferrety ferret to run through.

I cut a hole in it about halfway along. Now she can run right through and pop out of the end, or she can stop halfway and pop her head out through the hole. Looking remarkably like a meercat when she does... I've been trying to get pics of her - but she's so damn' quick - and so unpredictable - that all I have are a few dozen shots of empty pipe, or her rear end as she spins around and runs through again.

Hours of fun for her. A period of standing in the pouring rain for me...

Well, that's it for this week. Stay safe. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


Tuesday, August 12, 2014

O Captain, My Captain.

I was going to post a rambling piece of nothing really. A bit about Snow, maybe a comment on the weather, the start of the football season, the women's Rugby World Cup, perhaps...nothing of any real importance

But this morning I woke to the news that Robin Williams had committed suicide.

Usually when the news sites report that a celebrity of some sort has died my reaction is something along the lines of "how sad" if it's somebody well into their 80s or 90s I might add "well they had a good innings", and then I move on. Unless I knew them personally or they were in some way significant in my life, important to me, or something they did or said made a difference to me, that's all. As a rule I hate the over-the-top wailing and weeping that some people love to indulge in when even the most minor of celebrities dies.

This morning was different. I was truly upset. Shocked and saddened. Because somehow Robin Williams was different.Not just to me, but to a great many people. I loved his stand-up, loved him in Good Morning, Vietnam, and loved him in Dead Poets Society. He was funny, quick, incredibly intelligent, and far more sensitive than was safe. And it's sad to think that all the time he was giving life to some amazing characters he was himself dying inside.

Depression is a dreadful thing. It's a shame that the word has become so devalued. Because we speak of "feeling depressed" when we mean we're having a slightly less than perfect day, or of something being depressing when we mean it makes us slightly disillusioned, people think that depression is simply feeling a bit down. And that you should be able to pull yourself out of it. Depression is not that easy. It's a pain that never stops. Real depression is a deep, black pit with no way out. A darkness that spreads within you leaving you hollow in ways that nothing can feel. It's knowing - not just thinking - but knowing with absolute certainty that you are so worthless that everyone you love will truly be better off without you.

And you put on a mask. Of strength, of humour, all who know you think of you as outgoing, happy, they like you. And you know that they think those things because of the mask, and that if they really knew you - the real you - they would see how worthless you are.

Robin Williams was loved - by his family, his friends, his fans. He was richly talented, successful - and he still felt that darkness, still dying inside.

While you're mourning Robin, give a thought to the people around you - the "class clown", the one who always makes you laugh, the one with the sarcastic sense of humour... maybe they're dying inside too...

Treat those you meet with kindness - you don't know what demons they carry.


Monday, August 11, 2014

Mini Monday

Tiny update today. I expect Ze will have a whole passel of links for you tomorrow. Enjoy!


Sunday, August 10, 2014

Sunny Sunday

Our weather is perfect...sunshine with a small breeze and 75. Small projects were completed around the house, all easy, making for a really nice day. Makes me not want to go to work tomorrow at all. T was able to finish the roof and we got a few chores done. Overall it was a splendid day.

Here is hoping your weekend was pleasant as well. And here's also hoping the rain has settled in the UK so Ze can get back to her sunshine as well.

Enjoy your updates.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Saturday, August 09, 2014

Comic Book Saturday

We've had a pretty relaxing day. In the morning the boys and I went to the big anniversary sale at my local comic shop. I, of course, found a lot of good comics. I told E I limit myself to a few titles that I'm filling in back issues otherwise I would spend way too much money. Currently I'm working on the second series Wonder Woman (the Perez reboot). I picked up a few Superman Family issues as well.

Then I hit the quarter boxes. I found a few good ones there as well. I even found some issues of Action Comics there. That's one of my fill in titles but I that wasn't one of my two titles for the regular back issue box search. Those issues cost anywhere from $1 to $10.

While I was playing in comic boxes, E and little e visited an art supply store just down the street from the comic shop. They spent about an hour there then picked us up. We took the kids out for a sandwich and then headed home.

I made myself clean the refrigerator before sitting down to input my issues into ComicBase. So now we have a sparkling clean refrigerator and I have a nice chunk out of my Wonder Woman wantlist.

Tomorrow I'll head to the roof to paint the spots I couldn't get with the large broom brush. Then I'll officially be done with our roof. Hooray! I hope this little project gives our roof the two years of life we need out of it.


Friday, August 08, 2014

Another weekend arrives....

Lots for me to do this weekend. Time to get busy and write up a few things. Tomorrow though I will take T to her comic book shop that is having a sale and then pop on over to an art store with my daughter. Maybe by the time we are done and headed back over to the comic book store T will be ready for lunch, maybe.

Not a lot of plans for us, so it should be a nice relaxing weekend.

Here is hoping you all get that same option. Enjoy your updates.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Thursday, August 07, 2014

Adventures in Roof Painting

The roof project is almost done. I thought actually putting the rubber sealant would go quickly. Not so. Yesterday I started around 9am. Worked until 12:30 because I was out of sealant. I ate lunch then went to Lowe's to pick up another 5 gallon bucket. That first bucket had only covered about 1/3 of the roof. It's really thick and quite the workout to brush it on.

After a break to pick up another brush (the first brush was no longer staying on the stick due to major usage), I worked until about 5pm and used up most of the second bucket. Later that evening, E ran and got me a third bucket of sealant because that second bucket was running very low.

I discovered that first day the roof coating is much easier to put on a roof that isn't baking hot in the sun. Tomorrow I'll get up there first thing and hopefully finish the bulk of the work. This weekend I'll head back up and use a smaller brush to get all of the spots I couldn't get with the bigger broom/brush.

I'll be so happy when this project is done. My back and arms are a wee bit sore. I'm glad I've done it. I think it'll give our roof that two years it needs.


Wednesday, August 06, 2014

Ring a Ring O' Geraniums

A pocket full of uranium,
Hiro shima
All fall down.

Hiroshima Day.

On this date in 1945 the world fought its first nuclear war. Luckily it was one-sided and though around 185,000 people died when those first two weapons were detonated, it ended there. If we ever fight another one we won't be so lucky, and we won't be around to remember it afterwards.

One hundred years ago the "war to end all wars" began. Any chance we could finally make that true - without destroying ourselves first??

It would be really, really nice if we could go a step further than stopping nuclear war and actually stop all wars. Stop killing Palestinian kids. Stop killing Iraqi kids. Stop killing Syrian kids. Stop killing Sudanese kids, Somali kids, Nigerian kids...

Just stop killing.

Enjoy your updates, see you next week. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you


Tuesday, August 05, 2014

Day Off

The kids broke up from school week before last. But, regrettably for her fans, little Barbara won't be helping out during the summer holidays. I'm working on a different site which is not safe for outsiders, especially kids, and even if it were, my current site foreman is not the type to allow site visits. To be honest there's not a lot she could do here anyway. My days at the moment are largely spent knotting and priming pre-set timber frames.

And bird-watching *g*.

The nearby fields are full of warblers. And I think I might have seen a yellowhammer - I can't swear to it as it was a fair distance from me, but it certainly looked like it.

Took a day off today to meet a US friend who's been studying in Birmingham. We got rained on. Had a nice day though, in spite of the weather. Saw Clifton Suspension Bridge (designed by Isambard Kingdom Brunel). Saw the SS Great Britain, the first ever iron, propeller-driven, steam-ship, (designed by Isambard Kingdom Brunel). Travelled by train, along the tracks laid down by the Great Western Railway,(designed by Isambard Kingdom Brunel). Arrived at Bristol Temple Meads station, (yep, you guessed it designed by IKB). They're pretty big on IKB in Bristol...

The weather has turned with a vengeance. Sitting here, gone midnight, listening to a torrential downpour. It's nasty out there...
