Saturday, December 07, 2013

On the Go

We did a lot of running today. Cal and I ran to the comic store for our regular two week comics pick up. Little e had a basketball game..they lost but played extremely well. It was close too. The teams were well matched.

After the game we did lunch then dropped the kids off to check out the Gage Academy of Art 2013 Drawing Jam. They both agreed it warranted a return next year.

While the kids were at Gage, E and I took the opportunity to visit the Capitol Hill Trader Joe's location to purchase Christmas presents for my brother and his girlfriend.

Now we're home attempting to get the fireplace going. It's quite cold here in our neck of the woods...23F/-5C. I'm just thankful it's not windy like Winter in Oklahoma. That cold with wind equals bitterly cold. I'll take just plain cold over that any day.


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