Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Dates and Sport

No, not those sorts of dates - calendar type dates. Today was (in approximately two-thirds of the world) 11/12/13. And in the other one third (bar one country), 13/12/11. In the sole remaining country it was neither of those things... you just had to be awkward, didn't you. *g*.

Football was a little disappointing tonight. We could have finished top of the group but we blew it - but at least we qualified for the next round. I felt a bit sorry for Napoli, they played their little socks off in the second half, but still didn't make it.

It was still a lot better than the Ashes series though - who are these muppets and what have they done with the real England cricket team?? It's positively embarrassing.

Not a lot to read tonight I'm afraid, still, it'll give you a chance to catch up on all yesterday's stuff.

See you next week, goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


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