Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Liquorice Treats

Weather turned a bit nippy. And brought a huge storm with it. As the newspapers kept informing us, it was the worst for 60 years. The flood defences were better this time around, though. There was flooding on the east coast, yes, some quite bad. And a few houses were washed away, but not many this time, (not that that's particularly consoling if yours was one of them). And only two deaths. The flood of 1953 killed 300 odd.

I was glad I no longer live on Canvey.

We had nothing more than a bit of high wind down here in the south-west. Rather lucky this time around.

We have a "Continental Christmas Market" on the cathedral grounds. Which basically means several stalls selling Bratwürst, Stollen, Glühwein, and various German beers. A few stalls selling French and Dutch patisserie. One or two selling (proper - from Belgium) Belgian chocolates. And some local ones selling overpriced plants, hand-crafted items, and Christmas tat. The really good thing about it is, the stalls selling Dutch foodstuffs usually have salted liquorice - not on display, but they have it in stock if you ask. It isn't on display because it isn't something that many Brits like, though it is popular in the Netherlands and Scandinavia. I developed a taste for it while in the Netherlands in the 1980s. I rely on the Christmas markets to stock up. Which I managed to do quite nicely. Brill!!

Christmas is coming!! Are you excited yet?? Though, bloody ada!! Posting cards is an expensive pastime these days. I've spent over twenty quid just on overseas cards. Lord knows how much more I'm going to have to pay out to send UK ones!!

But... Christmas is coming!! **bounces**.


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