Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Professor Plum, In The Kitchen, With a Saucepan

Today is the first day of Eid al Fitr - the festival marking the end of Ramadan. So for all our Muslim readers, we wish you Eid Mubarak - a blessed Eid.

Friday sees the start of the week-long Jain festival of Paryushana Parva. If we have any readers who are members of the Jain faith we also wish you a blessed festival.

Set the smoke alarms off again this evening.

I was given a kilo or so of plums today by an old boy who I sometimes help out, in his garden, with heavy digging. They were just a touch too ripe to eat but just perfect for stewing. Did I do the sensible thing and wait for my cousin to get home, so that she could safely tackle that highly dangerous piece of equipment - the stove.

Of course I didn't. Do I look that sensible?? Nope, I decided to handle this hazardous task myself. I figured that if I put them in the pan and then stood beside the hob, watching, not taking my eyes off them, they'd be fine.

Best laid plans and all that.

The phone rang. Some cold caller (in breach of the law because the phone is on the register and shouldn't get sales calls) trying to sell double-glazing. By the time I'd told him (politely) twice, then (rudely) once, and finally with a short, sharp, two-word, expression that starts and ends in the letter F, that we weren't interested, I'd kind of lost focus. And instead of going back into the kitchen I wandered into the lounge to see if there's was anything interesting on the news.

Two hours later I was sitting, checking email, wondering what I could smell, when the smoke alarm went off. That's when I remembered the plums.

They were now a blackened mass spot-welded to the bottom of a bit of carbonise metal that used to be a rather nice saucepan.

One day I'll learn to leave evil mechanisms like cookers and ovens well alone.

I was really looking forward to those plums as well.

Hope all of you who tangled with Irene are safe and well. See you next week. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


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