Saturday, August 27, 2011

Happy Birthday, Cal!

Today Cal is 9 years old. We didn't do anything too spectacular since little e isn't here until Monday and his brother isn't here until Sunday. E and I gave him his presents (all were a hit). We went out for lunch.

Cal and I were supposed to make his birthday cake this afternoon but he ended up going over to a friend's house for the day. His friend's mom is having a baby shower/party and he didn't have any kids to keep him company. Luckily Cal was available.

I figure tomorrow we can make his birthday cake and blow out the candles. He's kind of ending up with a several day birthday anyway. Yesterday and this morning he celebrated at his dad's. Monday we're all going to his favorite Chinese restaurant for dinner. Then...after school starts he'll have a party with a few of his friends. Sometimes it's good to have two households.


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