Tuesday, August 30, 2011

On the Importance of Research

Regular readers may remember an incident, back in June, when I received a rude, obnoxious, nasty and factually inaccurate diatribe from a person I identified only as The Right Royal Wanker. And I was using wanker in its British, vulgar, sense and not its internet sense.

Well a funny thing happened a week or so ago. And I mean funny peculiar not funny ha-ha. I got a friend request on Facebook.

No, it isn't getting a request that's odd, it isn't that unusual. I'm not that unpopular. *g* Though I am rather fussy about accepting such things - if I don't know you, don't know how you know me, or think you're only adding me because I'm a friend of somebody else (maybe somebody a trifle more famous) that you've added without having a clue, then I'll ignore the request. I'm not interested in building up a list of 5,000 "friends" who I know nothing about.

No, what was funny about this particular friend request was that it came from the Right Royal Wanker.

Now, don't you think that if you'd written a nasty email to somebody you'd actually take the trouble to find out who it was you were being obnoxious to?? And that perhaps you might just check with the friend you were white-knighting for, (who used to be on my friends list but removed herself at that time), to see if they knew who it was you were insulting??

Actually I've watched about two-thirds of my friends list become "friends" with this person, so I reckon it is just a case of "I'm going to "friend" everybody that friends of my friend know".

But honestly, how much intelligence do you need to possess in order to check who somebody is - before asking to "friend" them - or for that matter to write really obnoxious emails to a perfect stranger.

I don't know - what's the world coming to.


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