Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Neither a Borrower nor a Lender Be...

For loan oft loses both itself and friend...

I wish I'd remember that quote when people ask to borrow books. The number of books I've lost because I was daft enough to lend them to an acquaintance. Most of the time I remember who I lent them to, even if they don't remember and can't find them, and I never see the book again - and consequently never see the acquaintance again either.

Unfortunately I can't for the life of me remember to whom I lent the book I wanted to re-read this week. I know somebody borrowed it. I even know when they borrowed it, (Christmas). But I haven't a clue who it was. Which is a right pain.

Because I was in an I-want-to-read-fantasy-novels mood last week. And because my friend Jane Fletcher was on my mind as I'd not long ago watched her get hitched. I decided to re-read The Wrong Trail Knife (re-published as Rangers at Roadsend) and then the next in chronological order The World Celaeno Chose (re-titled The Temple at Landfall when it was re-published for the US market).

I wanted to re-read the third one The Walls of Westernfort this week,, and then follow that up by re-reading Dynasty of Rogues.

That's when I remembered that I'd lent somebody The Walls of Westernfort and never got it back. Boy was I pissed off. Still am. I now have to buy another copy.

Mind you, at least it's only the first time I've had to do that for one of these books.

I've had to replace C J Cherryh's The Morgain Chronicles four times. And Modesty Blaise no less than six times!! You'd think I'd have learnt my lesson by now!!



Tamara said...

E loaned a box of books to someone once. Didn't get any of them back. She won't be repeating that one again.

zero2aries said...

A whole box full?? Blimey. I'd have gone round with a baseball bat for a whole box full.

That's not just absent-mindedness - that's deliberate stealing. That sucks.