Saturday, August 06, 2011


We didn't have a Saturday filled with chores. I did manage to get on the hill behind the house and chop down some blackberry bramble and ivy. The yard waste can is now full. I'll need to get up there some more this week and spray more blackberry killer and chop at more ivy.

Because I was itching to get out of the house E took us on a road trip to Monroe, Washington to see their once a month swap meet. She even double checked the web site...yep, supposed to be there today and Sunday. We arrived at the Evergreen State Fairgrounds and there was no swap meet. The Evergreen State Fair is happening at the end of August and evidently they don't hold the swap meet that month so they can get the Dairy Barn set up for the fair. Bummer.

We did end up visiting the Tractor Museum that's on the fairgrounds. It was really cool and had so much more than tractors. I checked the web and it's really called the Western Heritage Center but all of the Fairgrounds signage said Tractor Museum. It's free and I highly recommend stopping by if you're ever in Monroe.

I was surprised to discover that Monroe has a drive through espresso shack that features topless baristas. E said they're supposed to be topless anyway. Their web site states they're bikini clad. Wacky.

Before we left we headed into a local Ben Franklin because we don't have them in Seattle and were curious about what they sold. It turns out a whole lot of crafts.

Okay...enough babbling, get to reading.



zero2aries said...

I had to google "swap meet" - I was worried *g* (I've seen CSI!!) I had no idea what you two were up to!!

It's a sort of boot sale!! Cool

Tamara said...

I admit there are some times (very few and far between) that I wouldn't mind swapping E. But definitely not for anything having to do with the reasons people frequent the "swap meets" you may have come upon in CSI.