Wednesday, March 30, 2011


I don't think you're using that word in quite the right way, folks.

The BBC News just announced that "President Obama has secretly authorised covert assistance to rebels seeking to overthrow Libyan leader Col Muammar Gaddafi" and "He recently signed a secret document".

Secretly authorised and signed a secret document.

Can't be that bloody secret if it's all over the 10 o'clock news, now can it??

Thanks for all the birthday wishes. I will get round to responding to you all, honest. Had a pretty decent day. Got rained on this morning, dug post-holes, got filthy dirty. Fun. Came home, showered & then went out for dinner with my cousin and a couple of friends. We went to the tapas bar. I didn't spill anything, break anything, or drop anything. I didn't knock the waitress over, or cause her to drop anything. No food went into orbit. I reckon that counts as a pretty successful meal.

Then we went to the film club to watch an art-house type movie called Room in Rome. It was best described as "weird". I have had plenty of casual encounters but none like this. And I think if I ever did have one like this I'd be tempted to check myself into a padded room at Colney Hatch, not a hotel room in Rome!!

Got lots of nice pressies, too. Stuff from both my sisters, and my nephew, and my cousin. Though my (remaining) brother forgot it was my birthday - again.

I guess sharing a birthday (although ten years apart) is one of the reasons I'm close to my cousin. After all, when you've babysat someone and read them your equivalent to a bedtime story, for several years, (Rudyard Kipling poems - I think she still likes to listen to Gunga Din!!), when you did a bit of growing up in the same house, you share a birthday, you have the same taste in tv & films (mostly) and she's smart enough to support the same football team, you kind of wind up as best mates.

It's a good life.

See you next week, goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


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