Thursday, March 31, 2011

Ramble from phair

Tonight I poked phair for a ramble about her announcement at her site that I thought was very intriguing, so here you go.
E very nicely offered me a chance to ramble about a new addition to my site. The section is for my next manuscript, Eternal Blue Sky. It is a work of about 15 thousand words so far. When it is done, it will be about 100 thousand. I've got a lot of work to do with it. But, I'm a writer…that is what I do.

So, why is this news worthy of a ramble?

I've created a space on my website just to house this project. It is called Build A Novel. True to the title, I will be building this story on line. My subscribers will get to watch it grow and change over the course of the coming months. Additions, subtractions, cross outs, and misspellings along with horrible grammatically errors will all be right there for the world to gape at.

This is either going to be an amazing on line experience of creativity or a virtual traffic accident which begs to be watched. Personally, I hope it is a little of both.

You can only view Build A Novel if you are a member of my website. Membership includes the Dirty Story of the Month Club and monthly on line chats with me. Total cost is $19 per year.

Oh sure, it would be great if I didn't need to charge anything but it would also be great if my mortgage company had a better sense of humor about me not paying them on a regular basis. This is not the case. Sadly, Snidely Whiplash still works in the banking industry and, apparently, he's the CEO.

So, to keep Snidely's lash of my back, the cost to subscribe is $19 for a new 12 month membership starting in 2011.

That price locks in, by the way. It will always be your subscription rate if you become a member in 2011. Just ask the 2010 members who have a locked in rate of $13 per year even if they don't renew immediately. That is their rate for as long as the site runs. Unlike cable companies which give better rates to newer members, I want my die hard fans to know how much I appreciate their support. You folks literally make the difference between the words getting written and the pages staying blank.


There you go, I say check it out. I'm a member are you? In the end supporting our writers is up to each of us. Tell her what you think.

Now enjoy your update!

Peace, Health and Happiness and please lets see if Japan can get a break.


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