Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Aye. Caesar, But Not Gone

It's the Ides of March. In case you were wondering. Every month has an Ides, actually. Not just March. It isn't always on the fifteenth, but it's usually around then. But right now it's March. So the Ides of March are come.

It's the subject of one of my favourite Xena episodes - and that up there is a line or two from a brilliant play. Shakespeare's Julius Caesar, which I studied a school when I was 13.

Fortunately I had been introduced to, and fallen in love with, Shakey's works long before that, by my uncle who also loved Shakey's plays. This meant that school didn't have a chance to ruin it for me.

Unlike the Brontes. I still can't bear Jane Eyre. Or Orwell's Animal Farm.

I don't understand how that happens. How can a school subject permanently wreck your chances of ever appreciating a piece of fine literature?? The teacher was excellent, one of the few who didn't despise or patronise the scholarship kid from the slums. She taught me to love poetry. (I can still hear her voice every time I read Ozymandias). She was passionate about her subject. Loved literature.

The school was an excellent school. Yet something about the way English Lit was taught completely wrecked it.



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