Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Science is fun

First things first - I'm going to be a total kid about this - Aussie readers may want to look away now...

THE ASHES ARE OURS STILL!! ner ner ner nerner!!

Right. Back to being (almost *g*) an adult.

When I mentioned Christmas traditions yesterday I forgot to list a really important one. The Royal Institution's Christmas Lectures. This year's trio are about materials and size and why it's important. The first was last night Why Elephants Can't Dance, tonight was Why Chocolate Melts, and the final one tomorrow is Why Mountains Are Small.

The lectures are aimed at teenagers and older children (aged around 10 to 14) but are enjoyed by adults as well. There are very few people in the UK who have never seen one and even fewer who wouldn't know what they are. For many they are an essential part of the Christmas period.

They're science, yes. But they're science made fun. I love them.

Bit short of updates for you tonight. Still it will give you a chance to catch up on last night's huge update. *g*.

Happy New Year. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


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