Wednesday, December 08, 2010


First - Happy New Year to our Muslim readers.

Next. Grr. Live Journal header just now "Find communities and friends who share your unique interests." Unique = having no like or equal; existing as the only one or as the sole example; single; solitary in type or characteristics. What part of that definition suggests that you can have more than one?? Unique does not mean similar. It does not mean a minority interest. If I can share it with others then it bloody well isn't unique is it!! Got that sorted?? Good. - **takes grammar-dictator armband off**

Footy. Blimey they know how to drag it out, don't they?? Kept me on tenterhooks for a good half-hour there. (Arsenal that is.) But we did it. Through to the next round. Won't know until next Friday who we'll be meeting. (Please, not Barca - pretty please!!)

My brother sent a text message - The RSPCA are sending a dog-handler round to the Emirates Stadium.

He going to teach the team how to hold on to a lead.

And on that note I'll say thank you and goodnight. May your God/s go with you.


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