Friday, December 31, 2010


It's New Year's Eve and we don't have any big plans for the night. I'll stay up with Cal and watch The Karate Kid. Duncan will likely be playing Xbox Live. He has permission to do so until 1 am tonight. Woo! E will crash early. She's definitely a morning person and a 4:30 am wake up time isn't unusual for her. As a result, it's hard for her to do the midnight thing.

Tomorrow I'll cook my New Year's Day feast of tacos and enchiladas. We'll eat our black-eyed peas for good luck in the form of Mexican Black-eyed Pea Soup. We used to eat ham every New Year's day but by the time it rolled around we were sick of the traditional holiday foods and decided to give the new menu a try. It was a hit and we've never looked back.

E wanted me to mention that tonight's update is huge. P&P gave everyone a nice New Year treat. Have at it.


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