Wednesday, December 01, 2010

December Already

Where did the year go.

First - it's World AIDS Day - spare a thought for those we've lost and those we're losing worldwide to this awful disease.

Second - Hanukkah's early this year. It starts today. So Happy Hanukkah to all of our readers who celebrate this festival.

Third - It's December. This means Christmas is coming!! I love Christmas. Yes I'm a complete kid about it. (Don't tell anybody but I even watch the Track Santa website on Christmas Eve. Though we wait for Father Christmas not Santa Claus - slightly different character - dresses differently too.)

We (as in we in this house not we in this country) don't do the whole decorating-the-outside-of-the-house-to-excess thing. Apart from anything else I wouldn't want to pay the electric bill for that lot!! It's not really a British tradition, although (like trick-or-treat) it's become a lot more common these past fifteen years. It's still considered mildly tacky and more likely to be seen in working-class districts. But I do like to wander round and see what others in the area have done. I would guess that about a fifth of the estate goes wild with the things.

Everything else though - oh yeah - I'm a big kid. I put the tree up this evening. I'll put the decorations (trimmings/streamers/whatever you like to call the stuff you hang from the ceiling) up tomorrow. The advent calendar went up today as well (we take turns opening the little doors).

Are we there yet?? Huh?? Huh?? Are we?? **bounces**

See you next week, goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


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