Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Pretty Decent Christmas

I didn't break anything, sprain anything, burn anything or set fire to anything. The decorations stayed up, the tree looked good and dinner was very tasty. All the traditions were observed. Fresh percolated (rather than filter) coffee with mince-pies on Christmas morning. Dinner at around 2pm. A grumble that Christmas TV isn't as good as it used to be. A moment's quiet reflection bringing the realisation that Christmas TV was never "as good as it used to be", because it's always been pretty crappy.

No, we didn't watch Her Maj. The Queen's Message to the Commonwealth has never been a part of my family's traditions. Well, with an Irish mother and a dedicated socialist step-father, can you really expect otherwise??

We did watch a few dvds that the kid got for Christmas. I wanted to see one of them - Salt - which wasn't bad. As violent, unbelievable and unrealistic as all of its genre of course, but fun never-the-less.

I was a bit more doubtful about the other two. Knight and Day - which turned out to be not too bad - even less realistic and believable - not to mention illogical - but an ok way to waste an hour or so.

And The Blind Side. I really wasn't keen on this. At first because I thought it was a rom-com (and I'm not that keen on those) and then, after being told it was about an American football player, even less keen because I don't care for American football. As it happened it wasn't a bad film at all. Although I did keep wondering - why him?? Why now?? Why did she suddenly notice that life was a pretty tough journey for those outside her social set. Until the final credits I didn't realise it was about a real football player. It made the whys even more curious. And it didn't answer any of them. Good performances by the leads though. Good chemistry between Bullock & McGraw.

All in all a pretty decent day.


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