Friday, December 31, 2010


It's New Year's Eve and we don't have any big plans for the night. I'll stay up with Cal and watch The Karate Kid. Duncan will likely be playing Xbox Live. He has permission to do so until 1 am tonight. Woo! E will crash early. She's definitely a morning person and a 4:30 am wake up time isn't unusual for her. As a result, it's hard for her to do the midnight thing.

Tomorrow I'll cook my New Year's Day feast of tacos and enchiladas. We'll eat our black-eyed peas for good luck in the form of Mexican Black-eyed Pea Soup. We used to eat ham every New Year's day but by the time it rolled around we were sick of the traditional holiday foods and decided to give the new menu a try. It was a hit and we've never looked back.

E wanted me to mention that tonight's update is huge. P&P gave everyone a nice New Year treat. Have at it.


Thursday, December 30, 2010


Today brings us closer to another year's end and reflections of the past remind me of how lucky I am. I awake each day with someone who rattles my heart, we have three individually unique great kids. Our lives are filled with ups and down showing us that change is an inevitable clear part of living and one must engage in it.

So for 2011, I would say Love, Live and Enjoy, may Peace, Health and Happiness reach you all.


Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Science is fun

First things first - I'm going to be a total kid about this - Aussie readers may want to look away now...

THE ASHES ARE OURS STILL!! ner ner ner nerner!!

Right. Back to being (almost *g*) an adult.

When I mentioned Christmas traditions yesterday I forgot to list a really important one. The Royal Institution's Christmas Lectures. This year's trio are about materials and size and why it's important. The first was last night Why Elephants Can't Dance, tonight was Why Chocolate Melts, and the final one tomorrow is Why Mountains Are Small.

The lectures are aimed at teenagers and older children (aged around 10 to 14) but are enjoyed by adults as well. There are very few people in the UK who have never seen one and even fewer who wouldn't know what they are. For many they are an essential part of the Christmas period.

They're science, yes. But they're science made fun. I love them.

Bit short of updates for you tonight. Still it will give you a chance to catch up on last night's huge update. *g*.

Happy New Year. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Pretty Decent Christmas

I didn't break anything, sprain anything, burn anything or set fire to anything. The decorations stayed up, the tree looked good and dinner was very tasty. All the traditions were observed. Fresh percolated (rather than filter) coffee with mince-pies on Christmas morning. Dinner at around 2pm. A grumble that Christmas TV isn't as good as it used to be. A moment's quiet reflection bringing the realisation that Christmas TV was never "as good as it used to be", because it's always been pretty crappy.

No, we didn't watch Her Maj. The Queen's Message to the Commonwealth has never been a part of my family's traditions. Well, with an Irish mother and a dedicated socialist step-father, can you really expect otherwise??

We did watch a few dvds that the kid got for Christmas. I wanted to see one of them - Salt - which wasn't bad. As violent, unbelievable and unrealistic as all of its genre of course, but fun never-the-less.

I was a bit more doubtful about the other two. Knight and Day - which turned out to be not too bad - even less realistic and believable - not to mention illogical - but an ok way to waste an hour or so.

And The Blind Side. I really wasn't keen on this. At first because I thought it was a rom-com (and I'm not that keen on those) and then, after being told it was about an American football player, even less keen because I don't care for American football. As it happened it wasn't a bad film at all. Although I did keep wondering - why him?? Why now?? Why did she suddenly notice that life was a pretty tough journey for those outside her social set. Until the final credits I didn't realise it was about a real football player. It made the whys even more curious. And it didn't answer any of them. Good performances by the leads though. Good chemistry between Bullock & McGraw.

All in all a pretty decent day.


Monday, December 27, 2010

Vacation Continues

The kids and I are starting week two of Christmas break. Sadly E had to go to work this week. I don't have anything big planned for us. I need to take a few items back and exchange them for different sizes. I thought we'd go see Tron 2. I'll need to make a run to Costco for New Year's Day feast items. Basically I just want us to continue being big ol' slugs.

I'll shut up now and let you get to reading.


Sunday, December 26, 2010

Announcement Night

Docwho2100 from JS Odds and Ends sent us this one. has started a premium content section. Part of this section will host a new series from Nancylee Myatt called Cowgirl Up! Ms. Myatt also has written and worked on many lesbian themed series such as 3Way, Ladycops, Wavebabes and Nikki and Nora (see I said there was a link to fanfiction and the links posted here). Well part of the content posted includes deleted scenes from N&N including a kiss not included in the youtube videos. I like writing Nikki and Nora fanfiction and any new footage is awesome sauce! In addition, there are some great interviews with behind the scenes info which can always feed the writing muse. Along with that is the new series Cowgirl Up! (just itching I am sure for some nice side stories to be spun).

Anyhoos, if you've not seen the interviews or might be interested in some awesome webseries and other content (with a lesbian theme), head over to telloFilms and check them out; it's a great way for the fanfic community to support the creators and content we love to spin :)


Check it out, now back to the regularly scheduled programming, enjoy!

Peace, Health, and Happiness.


Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Merry

So here's hoping all of you who celebrate Christmas had a great one. And then for the rest of you...yeah it's only Saturday, you still have Sunday to go!

So we did it up with the kiddos this morning and then had to pass them along to their other households for a 2nd helping of the special day. Then Tamara and I went and saw How Do You Know. I recommend this one.

Now back to the regularly scheduled programming.

Peace, Health and Happiness!


Friday, December 24, 2010

Eve of Excitement

It's finally Christmas Eve here in Washington state and the kids are quite happy about it. Tonight we ate our traditional spaghetti dinner and let them open a few presents. Cal, of course, wanted to open his two largest presents but I convinced him to save those for tomorrow.

I screwed up and and skipped the gifts left out by Santa this year because it's tough to find stuff to leave out for the two older kids. Cal has always told me he knows Santa is me. I thought it would be okay not to have stuff out from Santa. I told Cal tonight that everything was wrapped. He was crushed. I'll be opening some gifts and setting them out from Santa tonight.

Okay, now I've got to show Cal the online Santa tracker and try not to feel too horrible.


Thursday, December 23, 2010

Ho ho ho

That time of year is so near and I love it! Here is hoping regardless of what you celebrate that it brings forward, Peace, Health and Happiness to All!

The week has been one of ease for me. Vacation is a truly splendid thing and when you have your girlfriend and daughter with you it only makes it that much better. 2010 has been and interesting year with it's ups and downs and here is hoping 2011 can be a bit smoother.

I know for me it certainly should be as my nightmare project at work has come to a screeching halt and home is getting settled and accepting of our tiny house and living within our means. All of it takes practice and patience.

So until then enjoy your update and we will ramble at you again.


Wednesday, December 22, 2010

A Worthy Cause

Got a Guest Ramble for you tonight - from my good friend (and excellent writer) Shadowriter. Thanks Shadow, the floor is yours...

    Seasons Greetings

    I usually love the holidays. Trees make me smile, sparkly lights make me feel warmer, and wrapping gifts is just gleeful for me.

    But not this year. This year I've been unemployed, again, for months. Which means no real gifts to be wrapped, and not a lot of sparkle in any lights. The tree this year has just been a tree, and there won't be many packages beneath it.

    I'm lucky, however, to have friends, and I know this. One of those friends is one half of a straight couple that I've known of since the early days of Xena fandom, and been close friends with since we went on a trip together. She was heading up to Montana to adopt a couple of rescued English shepherds and had invited me along. That was a year ago August, and we've been good friends ever since.

    As I said, this friend is straight; but she and her husband have very definite opinions on gay rights, as in they should exist. When Prop 8 passed, denying marriage to gays and lesbians, they were as upset as if it was their marriage nullified. They celebrated just the other day when DADT was finally overturned. They are the most generous and caring people I've ever met, and I love them very much.

    My friend (let's call her Double-dog) became involved in Xena fandom a long time ago, meeting people, going to the conventions, and every year she throws at least two parties for the Xena 'pups' here in SoCal. At last year's Christmas party, she and her husband started a tradition; each Christmas we'll choose a charity and everyone who comes to the party brings a donation of food or money or whatever.

    This year, for our second year, she had suggested we contact the LA Gay and Lesbian Center to see if they had an adopt a family program or something, and our small group could then do exactly that; adopt a gay or lesbian family to help. Turns out they don't, but they did suggest something else.

    The Jeff Griffith Youth Center. This facility has 24 beds for homeless GLBT youth. With counseling, warm food, employment assistance, and many other services, this really is a place for homeless kids to start over. But money is tight, and sometimes they have to pay bills rather than worry about Christmas.

    So, this was it. Double-dog wrote to the director, who sent a list back to her of what all the teens at this center really need. It included everything from body lotion and body wash to toothpaste, toothbrushes, towels, clothes, underwear, and lots of other stuff. She forwarded this list to the rest of us and when we arrived at the party on December 11th, we all dropped off our donations. It made a pretty large box, and Double-dog said she was going to take it to the center the following Tuesday.

    I got a phone call on Tuesday, and Double-dog asked me to help her take the box to the center, but first we were going shopping because not everything on the list had shown up in our donations. Not surprising, since there were only like six of us at the party this year.

    She picked me up and we went to Target. First thing to go in the cart was Underwear because almost no one ever donates underwear. Then toiletries; razors and samplers of hand lotion and hair spray and whatever else we could find. Socks to go with the underwear. Five dollar gift cards. And then chocolate, because it is Christmas.

    And then it was the dollar store. Stockings, all kinds of things to fill them. Candy canes, little games, just because. She had an 8:00 deadline to get things to the center, and at 7:45 we were sitting in the parking lot next door tearing open bags of Lindor candies and chocolate holiday kisses so we could fill stockings. We made it into the center with just minutes to spare, both of us loaded down with bags and boxes. The staff was more than grateful -- I think they were kind of surprised.

    I think the total amount of stuff donated must have been at least $450 worth, and more than half of that came from Double-dog herself. I think I'll remember that night for a long time to come.

    Sometimes I think the gay community forgets it's straight allies. We forget that it's not a battle between points on the Kinsey scale, simply an argument with those that hate rather than love. Our straight allies don't always understand us, and we don't always 'get' them. But they love us, and we love them, and that's what matters.

    So, if you know someone who's straight, but not narrow, and has done something, anything, to show their support for gay rights or the gay community, send them a note and say thanks. Because of one straight woman there are 24 GLBT youth that will have a better Christmas this year, and I thank her for that will all my heart.

    If you wish to donate to the Jeff Griffith Youth Center, which is part of the LA Gay and Lesbian Center, please just follow the link. Or go to the Center's website and let Jane Lynch tell you why this is so important.

    And finally, if you want to send a message of thanks to my friend Double-dog, send it to me, and I'll forward it on. If she inspired you to do something in these final days before Christmas, let her know. She'll appreciate it very much, and so will I.

    *Hugs* and Happy Holidays to each of you, and wishes for a great New Year.

    Love, Shadowriter

There you go. I'm lucky, I have a home, family, good friends, work, reasonable health. But I've been there. I know how it feels. And I'm immensely grateful to be where I am now.

I'm off work until the new year, we're still snowed in with more on the way, so tomorrow I'm going tobogganing.

Merry Christmas to you all, goodnight and may your God/s go with you


Tuesday, December 21, 2010

I'm Dreaming of a...

White Christmas. And at the rate things are going I'm going to get one. Snowed Friday morning, snowed Sunday morning and it snowed a lot very early Monday morning. So much so that the entire county ground to a halt. We had 45cm of snow in the garden. All the buses in Devon stopped running. Couldn't get to work. Unheard of for this part of the country.

Made it to work today as some buses were running and I could walk the rest of the way. Gonna be treacherous tomorrow though - all the places traffic has been has turned to slush and with the forecast for minus 7 tonight the roads will be ice-rinks tomorrow. So the choice is walking on a sheet of ice or walking up to your knees in snow. Great.

Tomorrow is the last day of work before the Christmas break so it can snow as much as it likes for the next few days.

Unfortunately it was cloudy this morning and threatening more snow so I didn't get to see the once-in-several-lifetimes solstice lunar eclipse. I'm p/o'd about that.

Anybody seen this on LFMF?? Doesn't it sound like the sort of thing I'd do?? It's nice to know I'm not alone in my ability to damage myself. There are others just as daft.

Last but not least - wishing all our Pagan and Wiccan readers a Good Solstice/Yule


Monday, December 20, 2010

Christmas Break

Christmas break officially started for us today and we celebrated by going to downtown Seattle to see the Gingerbread houses at the Sheraton hotel. The line was a little longer than we've encountered in the past but it moved quickly and the only one impatient with the process was the 15 year old (shocker).

We didn't do any shopping beyond picking up stocking stuffers at See's Candies. We had a good time riding the Monorail, eating lunch and checking out Winterfest at the Seattle Center. Still you would have thought we were torturing poor Duncan. He survived though and was dropped off for his week at his dad's by 2 pm. I can't wait until he has teenagers.

Tomorrow we have nothing spectacular planned. I need to pick up a few more gifts at the mall. After that the day is wide open. That's my kind of vacation.


Sunday, December 19, 2010

More to come....

Our weekend comes to a close, but we are lucky enough to say all next week is vacation time! Tomorrow we head with the kids and one grandma downtown to check out the city's holiday season fun. We'll see gingerbread houses, carousel and many other nifty holiday things. Family traditions will continue.

Tonight we spent some time wrapping presents as the kids were off at other parental units' houses. It's all stashed away now as they are due home soon.

So, back to your regularly scheduled programming and we will ramble at you tomorrow.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Saturday, December 18, 2010

Bah humbug.

I totally didn't make the connection that this was the last weekend before Christmas until E and I were stuck in traffic on the way to Cost Plus. We started picking out stocking stuffers and after seeing the already long checkout line grow even longer, we put our picks back and departed.

Then we went off to Target to discover that the Beyblade stadium I was going to get Cal was sold out. When I went to Target Friday evening they had them but Cal was with me. I should have sent him to the car with his brother and just bought the damn thing. Amazon saved me. I'll pay a little more but won't have to stress.

I know better. Never wait until now to finish your Christmas shopping. I usually don't but I had the kids this week and it was tough to finish shopping with them in tow.

I'm mostly done with Christmas shopping. I have one more item to pick up and I'm waiting until Monday. You couldn't pay me enough to go to the mall tomorrow. It's not a hot item. It should still be there. Keep your fingers crossed for me that it is.


Friday, December 17, 2010

Vacation has begun.

I'm glad to be done this week. The week ended well, even after spending a ton of money I don't really have to ensure one of our cats lives another day (hopefully many).

On the work front my last two years have been spent doing a nightmare collaborative project that has gone from bad to worse and we finally pulled the plug on it. That certainly ends my year better than it began.

Now I have the next week off to enjoy time with Tamara and the kids, something I am looking forward to.

Here is hoping you all have a grand weekend. Enjoy your update.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Thursday, December 16, 2010

Cookie Time

I'm off to make cookies. Have at it!


Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Things You See...

... when you haven't got a shotgun handy.

Went carol singing in Topsham this evening. Yeah - I know. Tin ear. Tone deaf. Can't carry a tune in a bucket. Can clear a room in seconds. That's me. But it was just a bit of fun, collections for charity (Force this year, last year it was Hospicecare).

It's part carol singing, part pub-crawl really. (Topsham has a lot of pubs. And I mean a LOT.) There were 2 gay blokes, 2 straight blokes, 3 lesbians and 1 straight woman in our little group. We wander in and out of the pubs and sing a carol or two (we take requests - including shut up and go away *g*) and the punters have the option to either drop a donation into the bucket or buy us a drink. Most do both. By the end of the evening we've generally collected a fair-sized donation for the current year's charity and we're all fairly merry. (I stayed pretty close to sober this time because I knew I had to do this update and I wanted it to make sense.)

Anyway, there we were, in the car-park of The Lighter Inn, getting ready for our aural assault on the unsuspecting patrons, when we were suddenly surrounded by men. Half-a-dozen of them. Fairly buff young men. Wearing speedos (the really tiny ones - budgie-smugglers an Aussie friend calls them) and running shoes. And nothing else. In spite of the sub-zero temperatures.

The gay blokes and the straight girl were very happy. The rest of us were deeply traumatised.

The semi-naked idio... erm... gentlemen, obeying some secret signal, ran off. And they were doing some serious running. Full pelt, no gentle jogging for them. (Well it was cold.)

I hadn't a clue what was going on. One of my companions enlightened me. Apparently they were hashers. The Isca Hash House Harriers, to be precise. A local chapter of a world-wide fraternity. They describe themselves as a drinking club with a running problem. They don't always run in so few garments. Unfortunately we caught them on a day when they did. I suppose I should be grateful that they were wearing speedos. It could have been much, much worse.

I'm still traumatised though. In fact, after I've finished this, I may just need another cup of coffee and a digestive bikkie to settle my nerves.

Not a lot of updates for you tonight. Enjoy what there is though. See you next week. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Sunsets & stuff

It's warmed up a (very) little these past few days so we could crack on with the windows. Managed to get all the prep work sorted. Forecast is for more sub-zero temps & snow from the end of the week but it'll be Christmas shut-down soon anyway. With any luck it will warm up again in the New Year - when we'll be wanting to gloss.

I missed my bus home this evening and had to wait in the cold for twenty extra minutes for the next one. Why did I miss it?? I was stood standing like a wally for over half-an-hour, watching the sunset, and I didn't notice the bus until it was passing me.

It was a hell of a sunset though.

Not a drop of red sky in it, dark pink was as close as it got to that. Most of it was a warm, rich, pale orange which deepened and darkened as the rest of the sky turned to indigo. It was amazing.

It's a beautiful world we live in, when we let it be.

Quick note about something (totally unimportant really) that bugs me - for some of my American (USA) friends and some of our American (USA) readers (and it does tend to be American or American-influenced folk - I'm not just being biased again) - the Twelve Days of Christmas are after Christmas not before. They end on Twelfth Night (that's why it's called Twelfth Night of course) aka Epiphany Eve.


Monday, December 13, 2010


The weekend could have been better and the week ahead is filled and going to be long, but on the other end is vacation and that I totally look forward to. Here is hoping our sick kitties recover quickly as it is getting expensive.

Enjoy your update and holler if you want to ramble.

Peace, Health and Happiness


Sunday, December 12, 2010

One more week to go....

Tomorrow begins my last week of school before Christmas break. Yippee! Hope y'all had a good weekend. Now get to reading.


Saturday, December 11, 2010

A Wee Bit Late

Our day/evening slipped away, hence the update is a bit late, so enjoy!

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Friday, December 10, 2010


Friday once again. Hope your weekend is productive yet relaxing. Get to reading.


Thursday, December 09, 2010

In Sight

Best thing about today is that it's over. Tomorrow brings us Friday and that is a very good thing. Here is hoping you all have a splendid Friday and weekend.

One small reminder, there's still lots left with some stellar good prices at the Nene Adams Auction. Check it out and help out an author in need.

Peace, Health and Happiness.
