Tuesday, December 08, 2009

She's Behind You.

This update's title is a reference to Panto. Pantomime that is. That's where I went this evening. To a Panto (Mother Goose). Pantomime is a long and honoured theatrical tradition in The UK. (And in some countries that used to belong to us once, in the bad old days when we were nasty and had Empires & things. Kiwis and Aussies will be well familiar with it).

I don't think America has Panto. In fact - if the reactions of a fair number of the attendees at Xena Conventions (who appear to believe that Michael Hurst invented Window Twankey) is anything to go by - Americans just don't get Panto at all. To be honest, I'm not surprised. If I hadn't grown up with it I probably wouldn't get it either. To an outsider the whole thing must look completely doolally. But we love it.

Especially those of us who are just big kids (like me). Right now I have a sore throat from yelling "She's behind you" and "Oh no you aren't" and "Oh yes he did". Singing (very off key) a song about smiling and not letting the sun set on an argument. And laughing at some dodgy jokes about politicians, bankers, marriage, and a couple of other (rival) towns in my county. Not to mention telling the "other side" of the audience (in chorus with the rest of "my side") to mind their own business (on the instructions of Mother Goose).

All in all I had a great time.


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