Tuesday, December 29, 2009


That's pretty much the only word for it. Completely overwhelmed by the messages of condolence on the loss of my Reisen. I've had over 50 emails. Thank you all. I will reply to each and every one of you but it's going to take me a while. Thank you. Your support and sympathy was very much appreciated.

The recurring UTIs were worrying the vet so he asked me to take Reisen in for some X-rays and an exploratory check-up. The X-rays showed exactly why he'd been having problems. There was a bloody great tumour in the way. The vet said it was inoperable and yes, it was malignant. He said Reisen had about a month to six weeks. And he would get progressively worse during that month. And be in increasing pain. And that the kindest thing to do would be simply to not let him wake from the anaesthesia but increase it and let him pass peacefully in his sleep.

So I said yes. And I lost another good friend.

At least he's back with Harley now. He did miss him so. And somewhere they're together, young again and free from aches and pains. And chasing each other round a great big field of soft green grass. And I'll see them again someday. But right now, oh God, I miss him.


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