Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Nearly Christmas

But I may have to cancel it for lack of funds. Just as well I've already got most stuff done. Reisen seems to be determined to bankrupt me again. Not only has his UTI not cleared up but it's spread to his prostate. He's proper poorly. Had to take him back to the vet. More jabs, more pills and another £60+ bill. Why do these things never happen when you can afford it?? Especially since my job digging up trees finished today and I won't be back at work until 4th Jan so I won't have an income for a couple of weeks. Ah well, he's worth it though.

I was playing music while I worked. The boss asked me to stop. Said I might upset the customers. I was playing my Christmas joke cd. The one with Chipmunks Roasting on an Open Fire on it. And Walking Round in Women's Underwear. And Yellow Snow. So I guess I could see his point. *g* He put on a cd of Aled Jones singing Christmas carols, (and his famous Walking in the Air song) Sickly sweet but probably a better choice.

Lots to read tonight so I'll let you get on with it. Don't forget to let the writers know if you enjoy what you read.


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