Wednesday, December 02, 2009

On Luck and Laptops

Ever notice how things always break when you're skint can't afford to repair or replace them?? And never just the one - there's always a series of things. (Or maybe you only notice them when you're broke. Maybe if you can afford it you just pay up and forget it.) For instance, Reisen decides to fund the vet's Christmas holiday in the Caribbean, the fence tries its best frisbee impression, the dentist brings her kids and their families over from Romania on the money I'm paying her for this damn' crown (which has come out again!!), and my laptop pops its little clogs.

Any one of those things would have me thinking "Ouch. Oh well, gotta be done." But all of them at once?? Seriously, who did I p** off??

We can't fix the fence just yet, the wind and the rain haven't abated. I like rain. (I'm English, of course I like rain. Don't have much choice in the matter). But this is ridiculous. We've had practically a year's worth of rain in two months. The ground can't take any more. (Damn!! I heard that bit, in my mind, in Scotty's accent. Must stop watching Star Trek tapes). Please, could it stop for a bit now?? I'm not asking for sunshine. Just the absence of rain for a while.

I may have got really lucky with the laptop actually. Which will be a blessing. I can access some email and a few websites on my mobile (cell phone) but not many. So I've a load of email I need to reply to - but anything more than a few lines is having to wait. I can't get into MySpace or Live Journal on it but I can Facebook. Weird. I do these updates on the kid's desktop which I can borrow for a bit, but obviously not for long. I can't write on it though. I'd forgotten how laborious longhand could be...

Anyway. Luck. There was an ad on our local version of Freecycle someone was offering a laptop, almost as old as mine so big, heavy, short on RAM and slow. Without a hard-drive but otherwise in working order. I phoned. I was first caller. I pick it up at the weekend. And then I have fun taking the hard-drive out of my old laptop (which I've had trouble doing so far) and transferring it. If you look towards S-W England at any time over the weekend and see a big blue cloud. That'll be me, swearing up a storm.

At least I'll have access to all my files again. And my writing. Can't wait. And on this note, off you go and enjoy somebody else's writing. See you next week.

Good night and may your God/s go with you.


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