Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Boom. boom, boom

Let me hear you say way-o... aaarrrgghhh!! One of the lads brought a portable radio/cd player to work today. He played that song. Over and over and over. I wasn't that fond of it before today but now - if I ever meet the guy who wrote it there'll be violence done!! Other than that it wasn't a bad day. My sister came into town and met me for lunch. We went to the tapas bar because she had a BOGOF voucher. Yes my sister is that daft, going back there with me. (Her friend still isn't speaking to me). You know what they say about being able to take someone anywhere - twice - second time to apologise. Well, I live that saying *g*. Lunch went without a hitch. No crashes, no spillages, no breakages. See - it wasn't my fault!! It really was the fault of the boxers of doom!!

The whole day went swimmingly.

And then I got home. And took my safety boots off. And fell over a chair in the kitchen and broke two toes. Their evil influence extends beyond the fiery pit I set them into. I'm doomed I tell you. Doomed. The ashes of the boxers still haunt me.

Ze (ps BOGOF = buy-one-get-one-free)

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