Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Beautiful day today. Lovely & sunny. Started the gloss. Proper gloss - none of your modern, awful, one-coat rubbish. None of that satinwood stuff either. Real gloss. There's something magical about high gloss. Whether it's that all the preparation's over with - the sanding, filling, primer, undercoat - all finished. Or whether it's that gloss just flows, it goes on so smoothly it's a pleasure to wield a brush. And the finished article looks so good. Crisp & clean and shiny ooh...shiny....erm, sorry, where was I??. Or maybe it's that I'm a painter - and I love my job.

Hell, maybe it's just that I'm weird.

Or as a friends grandmother used to say (in a thick Burton-upon-Trent accent) "ooh you are a queer ducky". First time she said that to me she nearly killed me. I was eating at the time and I choked on my chip-butty. (That's chips - as in hot, fresh cooked & served with salt & vinegar. Not cold, thin & crispy. Those are crisps on this side of the pond.) Murder by chip-butty. Does that count as a blunt instrument??

I think the pain-killers have affected my mind... nice to know they're affecting something, they're not doing a bit of good for my foot. Ah well... on to the updates, presented for you reading pleasure are...


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