Sunday, January 14, 2007

Still Brrrrrr....

I shouldn't complain. Our winter has been incredibly mild until now. Most folks are staying in but after going out today I can say the roads aren't too bad. Granted if they were crowded with cars they'd be bad because many would drive stupidly. If you keep yourself to around 25 to 30 mph though you're good to go.

Yesterday we stayed in and I put a pot of ham and beans on. I also spent some time getting my desk area organized. I have this small sheep collection and Mike finally put up a shelf for them. This got the damn sheep off the shelves over my computer and I was able to put a small fraction of my action figures up. I'm sure many of you will look and say that it doesn't look small but keep in mind that my big closet in the computer room has seven bins of action figures. What can I say? I always wanted super-hero toys when I was a kid and they weren't available. Well, Mego dolls were but they were too pricey for me.

Here's a link to my blog entry showcasing pictures of my desk area and the sheep shelf if you're interested:


1 comment:

E said...

Side note from E:

...the sheep collection is "small" in comparison to the action figures and comics, however by basic standards the sheep collection is not truly "small"