Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Ramble from Red Hope

Lucky you. Red Hope read E's words and sent a ramble. Keen.
I'm an older writer from the Xenaverse since May 23, 1999 and I remember those days when feedback was plentiful and writers (bards) were wild. Hardly any of us knew what publishing was but today many bards are well accomplished, published authors or they just faded into dust. For awhile there I thought maybe I was one of those dusty bards that many forgot. Recently, I've unshelved myself after I recalled why I was writing fanfiction. And I tell ya, it's been no easy task to catch up and wiggle back into this new generation of readers. Sometimes my thoughts ramble in my head and question whether trying to revive the classic Xena fanfiction really works today. Am I out of seasons like Xena?

And uber-who? I chuckled when I first heard that term. Yea, I've remolded Xena and Gabrielle into uber style versions, which was an adventure! What I do recall, above all, were the days before I was a Xena writer where I was a Melissa Good inspired just like many others, I bet. Yea, I was the kid at my high school that established the new rule where students had a printing limit. Oops! But it's the old bards I miss and I encourage the new bards like my friend, ScribingBard52, who I lovingly egg on to write more.

What else can I say? Hey I was here, I left, and I've returned. I've expanded to new universes like a lesbian Supergirl, Star Trek Voyager, and Law & Order SVU yet I still return to the classic Xena. Do you know the roots of a published, lesbian author? I bet plenty of them will proudly state femslash fiction from Xena, Star Trek, Buffy... etc. One truth still remains the same: where there are readers there are writers so when the readers go silent so do the writers.

And for my next trick, I find myself needing my readers' help as I try something new with Project Amazon. So thank you to all my readers that have stood beside me and I welcome any new ones to the challenge. May the classics never fade but continued to inspire the new.

Thank you to the gals at Uber Etc. for my soap box!

Your Rambler,
Lillian Hall a.k.a. Red Hope

Red Hope posts at many places but the best place to find her work is at her web site: Thank her for rambling by reading her work and giving feedback.


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