Saturday, January 06, 2007


This holiday season brought a truth home to me. I have the potential to become a reality tv show addict.

This last week VH1 ran a mega marathon of America's Next Top Model. Six seasons of skinny girls (and a few plus size gals) vying for the best shots and the chance to be proclaimed America's Next Top Model.

I initially started watching it while making my calls. It's easy to keep the volume really low and not get too wrapped up in the action. But damn did I get hooked. So hooked that I'm going to make sure and watch cycle 8 when it begins in February.

I should have suspected this really. I've been addicted to Survivor since episode two of the first season. I resisted watching the first episode because I thought the whole concept was stupid. Mike watched it and by episode two I was also sucked in.

Okay. I can hear you saying watching two reality series doesn't mean you're addicted. Ah...but there's more. VH1 has become quite the reality tv show network. They call it Celebreality. I find myself being drawn into too many of their shows. One of the most insidious is Flavor of Love. I can't even begin to explain to you why I find this show fascinating.

Flavor of Love has spun off another show that will be starting Monday...I Love New York. E will attest that I've been anticipating this debut with much glee. I'm sick, I know.

And then there's the Top Chef marathon I got sucked into. Now I'm anxiously awaiting the outcome of the final few battles. I'm rooting for Elia. Sadly once Top Chef's second season ends they're starting a new one on Bravo called Top Design. I'm ashamed to admit that I'm intrigued even though I don't have the slightest interest in interior decorating. It's insidious!

Geez, I realize I haven't even touched upon Project Runway, The Girls Next Door, The Surreal Life, or Dr. 90210. Don't worry. These I catch infrequently. I don't actually make time to watch every episode. That would be sad. Well...more sad.

So. There you have it. My shameful secret. Enjoy those updates. I'll be spending my evening putting reminders in my pocket pc....


1 comment:

E said...

Sadly it's all true. She is nuts. I knew that prior to this acknowledged addiction, but this went on to confirm it for me.