Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Snow Days

Well, my weekend in was productive. We did manage to get out a bit on Sunday and while the streets were quiet the roads weren't too bad. Monday the kids were out of school and I drove to get my call sheets for the week then stopped at a park so they could slide down the hill on their sleds. The roads are passable but you definitely can't drive the speed limit on the side roads. Slower is better on those.

The kids were supposed to go back to school today but it was announced on the television last night that Putnam City Schools would be taking another snow day. I'm half expecting them to miss tomorrow as well. The district doesn't want to risk sending their buses on the side roads which still haven't cleared. We need a few days of warmer weather and sun for that to happen. Duncan is, of course, loving the no school thing. Cal claims to be loving it too but I think he's just copying his brother. Cal's little enough he loves going to Pre-K. He'll be happy when school starts up again I'm sure.

Currently our local weather is saying we've got a chance for more snow this weekend. I'm hoping not but I know kids all over the state are cancelling out my wish. Wonder if they'll be as happy when they realize they're likely to get a few days tacked on to the end of the school year to make up for snow day overages....


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