Friday, December 14, 2007


The effects of our ice storm are still being felt by some in my state. My mom and dad still don't have power. Thank goodness mom remembered we had a generator. I, of course, forgot my brother-in-law gave Mike and his mom joint ownership of a new generator last Christmas. That generator has saved their bacon (literally) and kept the refrigerator and freezer up and running. The few hours of having the heater on are most welcome as well. Mom is mighty tired of doing everything by candle and lamplight.

The kids ended up being out of school through Wednesday. They had power outages to thank for that. I think Cal's elementary school didn't have power until Tuesday. You'll be happy to know both of my kids are alive and well. I was sure happy to send them off to school on Thursday.

Tonight my part of the state is expecting 2-6 inches of snow. Nothing like the northeastern part of the US receives but it's a lot to us. We're snow wimps. I'm not complaining though. I'll take snow over ice any day.

Y'all stay warm if it's cold where you live and enjoy the updates.


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