Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Ramble from Kris

Tonight we have a special ramble and request from an aspiring writer, Kris Grossman.
Writing is easy. All you do is stare at a blank sheet of paper until drops of blood form on your forehead. -- Gene Fowler

Despite much encouragement by various people in my life that have come and gone, I had never spent much time writing with the exception of emails and the occasional grocery list. But two years ago, I found myself enrolled in a Writing/English course in a local community college. Nervous about being a, well to be polite let's just say over 40 year old student, who had last spent time in a classroom in 1989, I nonetheless forced myself onto the bus that would take me to my reintroduction to the land of academia.

Walking into the room I saw my worst fears. A class filled with students who had barely left behind their teen years if even that. Still, I managed to get through the two hours, and even completed the preliminary in class assignment about why we were in that class, and what we hoped to get out of it. My handwriting was even worse than usual from shaking hands but I took a deep breath and handed it in.

During the first class, the professor explained the necessity of being in class every day, and that absences would severely interfere with our grades. Since I had an ongoing medical condition I knew would probably interfere with my ability to attend school every day, the disability office had encouraged me to simply explain the condition to the instructor. So, the next morning, bright and early I found myself in Kay Cooper's office. The discussion about possibly missing more classes than she would like lasted only about five minutes with her just encouraging me to attend as much as I could, and missed classes would be dealt with as they came up. She was easy to talk to, and more than understanding of the anxiety ridden woman in front of her.

To my great surprise, after the initial topic was dealt with, she changed the conversation to the in class writing I had handed in the day before. Listening to her, words like, a writer's voice, and a natural talent with words began to float from her. Although more than a little doubtful about her positive encouragement, I slowly found myself feeling more confident about my ability to put pen to paper, and produce something worth reading. Or, in this modern technological age, more confident in my ability to put fingers to keyboard.

Anyway, to make a long story slightly shorter, that is how I first began to write. Since then, I have encountered many curves, detours, and darkened tunnels to travel through. In the last few months, my life has completely changed which included a move from my beloved Great Pacific Northwest to Los Angeles, California. The one thing that has remained constant though, is my need to sit down in front of my computer and type. Certainly, not everything I produce is good. In fact, I suspect that more than a little bit of it is pretty much drivel. Still, here I find myself. Writing not so much out of any great need to entertain myself, but rather from the essential act of finding expression and comfort in the letting go of words and emotions that come from that simple action. It has to me become part therapy, part devotion, and part roller coaster ride.

All of which brings me to the reason I am here. To put it in the simplest of terms, I need help. I want to improve my skills, and the best way to do that in my opinion is to open myself up to the constructive criticism of the wonderful lesbian writers that take the chance on their talent in order to share it with others like me. Among other things, I need an editor. As you may be able to tell from the length of this ramble, I tend to fall in love with words. Although I am learning the fine art of self editing, it would be beneficial to get the opinion of others. Help with the placements of punctuation marks, and sentence structure fall into the arena of necessity as well.

I could go on and on, but I'm sure you all have gotten the point by now. Basically, any kind of assistance at all would be very much appreciated. My mama used to tell me all the time, "Well, you have to try" and "It doesn't hurt to ask." She was a very wise lady my mother, and time has proven her to be right on most things. So, here I am still trying, and here I am asking. I write anything from essays, to memoirs, to short stories. Currently I am working on something that will end up being between a short story and a novella; depending on if I decide it is worth continuing on with it.

I thank you in advance, not only for helping me, but for producing such fine lesbian centered literature. My email addresses are or


Kris Grossman
AKA kristattoo

So there you have it, a very nice request indeed. If you have some time and are willing to help out, let Kris know.

Now on to your updates, enjoy!


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