Sunday, December 02, 2007

Cookie Free

It's kind of weird not having a cookie recipe here. I actually have to come up with something to say now. Scary.

Let's see...Duncan turned twelve last month. We're definitely entering those wonderful years of puberty. My son alternates from being a nice, sweet kid to a horrible, hateful teenager in training. I hope I survive it.

To celebrate his birthday Duncan had four friends for a sleepover this weekend. I was smart and stayed in my room, leaving the kids to Mike. I did the good mom thing and set up plenty of food for them, including a chocolate chip cookie cake that Duncan requested. I'll be sharing that recipe soon. It was darn good.

Everyone survived the sleepover but we may have had some frustrated parents on Saturday because not a single kid slept all night. Duncan finally went to bed around 3 on Saturday afternoon and slept straight through until church school today. We ended up avoiding tearful recriminations and emotional scenes, for which I was most grateful.

Cal had his first bone x-ray. I say first because I fully expect more x-rays in his future. A girl in his class yanked really hard (not in a mean way--they were playing chase) and it ended up separating his bones from the tendon in his elbow. The doctor popped it back into place with a fair bit of pain on Cal's end. He sent us for an x-ray to make sure the wrist didn't have a stress fracture. Since the injury was caused by pulling he didn't think it likely but better safe than sorry.

Luck was with us and the bone wasn't broken. Also after getting all those elbow bones in the right place he was feeling much better and started using his arm again. Pretty much good as new. Kids are like that, they bounce right back a heckuva lot easier than adults.

That was my excitement for the week. Hope y'all have a good one ahead.


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