Saturday, December 08, 2007

Ramble from Linda

Time for a treat....
For the last couple of days I have been fighting a nasty cold. Thursday morning I woke up to find I could finally breathe through my nose again. I felt fine and went to woke my nieces up for school. Ellie was already awake, reading in bed. So I went to call out Victoria's name and all that came out of my mouth was a squeak like a mouse.

So I gave a little cough to clear my throat and tried again. "Squeakria" was what I said. I assumed that Ellie found this funny because she fell off the bed laughing. The laughter was what finally woke Victoria up. Ellie kept saying "Say her name again." I did and now I had the two of them laughing at me. So I left the room.

I had lost my voice. If I tried to talk normally I squeaked. But I could whisper. After the girls left for school, I made some hot tea with lemon and honey and waited until my mother woke up. Mom said I had two choices I could go to the doctor but I would most likely be told to be what I was already doing. Soothing hot drinks and don't talk. Mom did call our doctor and he agreed with her but he call in a prescription for a cough medicine.

That night at dinner Ellie had a blast teasing me. Every time I would whisper for something to be passed to me and she would reply "Sorry. What was that? Can’t hear you." Soon everyone was doing it. Ok, so everyone was having fun at my expense but the thing was they were having fun as a family.

I know the girls need that family feeling as they go through their first holiday without their mother. My sister is getting better and she is doing great in drug rehab center she is at. She gets a day pass on Sundays to see the girls for a couple of hours but is still not well enough for more than that.

For the next couple of days I will have to let them call me "Squeakers" until I get my voice back. BTW, when my mother gave the girls their snack last night, she gave me a piece of cheese. Et tu, Mother!

Squeakers AKA Linda

Boy do I ever love Linda's mom. I can see where you get your sense of humor, Linda. Thanks for the words and send them anytime!


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