Monday, December 31, 2007

A New Year

A time of reflection with the opportunity for the future.

Life is not a goal but a path of consistency. We can view in any way we want. Changes upon it may not be easy, but little in life is easy. The truly important and mind boggling things usually come with a price. It is up to us as individuals to find what best fits a situation. We make decisions and actions but we don't make the consequences from those, however we must live with them. It should teach us that in life one step is always connected with another. We may want or need something, but one must accept what outcome that path creates before us.

Each movement creates a road leading to an unknown. We can use thoughts and intuition to assume outcomes, but one shouldn't be so foolish as to believe they know the future. It lives as an unknown and can be changed on a dime.

A New Year leads so many down the concept road of goals and changes. But, in the end, many are left within the same circular patterns they are so familiar with. Perhaps instead of looking for a desired outcome one should take the opportunity to see what may be on the path next to them. Let that familiarity move with us and yet try to remember each of our decisions create a new path. Seek those issues and find ways to challenge that status quo of the time. Make a new decision, creating a slightly different outcome which changes the future.

Taking one step at a time, but remembering to make tomorrow a different step. Routines are easy. Comfortable feels good and yet we stagnate and need change. Change is everywhere, it only takes us to create it. Overhaul may not be necessary, perhaps a small shift could lighten the path differently...bring a wider view into place.

So my wish for 2008 is another year of discovery and one that I truly hope includes Peace on Earth.

Happy New Year to All. Thanks for joining Okie and myself here at UberEtc. We truly appreciate it!

Now back to it. We're ending the year on a large update, enjoy!


Sunday, December 30, 2007


I continue to be amazed. Enjoy 'em!


Saturday, December 29, 2007

Weekend of Ease

A short but busy week has turned into a long weekend for me. I'll try and do chores but motivation to complete anything seems a bit slim. I think some of the holiday decorations will find their way back into my nifty red and green totes. Time to have my house back. Yeah, yeah I should wait until at least the New Year, but hey I like to stand out in a crowd.

Enjoy your updates!


Friday, December 28, 2007

Thank Those Writers!

I continue to be amazed that we get a decent number of story links to post. Visits to our site have slowed this week understandably. Everyone returning to check on story updates after their holidays will be pleasantly surprised by the number of offerings to read. Y'all enjoy 'em.


Thursday, December 27, 2007

Thursday Already

Seems like the week is flying by. Helped having a day off at the beginning and with the holidays it seems busy but not manic, hence days flow by smoothly. So the end with a long weekend ahead for me is just around the corner.

Have a good one and enjoy the updates!


Wednesday, December 26, 2007

The Day After

I survived another Christmas. My house is a wreck and I realized today I forgot to wrap a gift for my mom (now if I could just find the damn thing) but I survived.

The kids got a Wii this year. I was smart and purchased mine in October after seeing an article about Wii shortages for holiday shopping. It's been a big hit and, if you're in the market for a gaming console, I highly recommend it.

Here's hoping y'all are enjoying some stress-free time of your own.


Tuesday, December 25, 2007

White Christmas

Seattle is having a white Christmas. An opportunity for my 7 year old to be even more excited than usual. How great it was as a kid to have gifts and fun and then be able to go play in the snow. Today I hope to indulge in the fun with her. It's a rarity for us let alone on Christmas. One must indulge in that.

Here is hoping and putting forth a wish for all, regardless of the holiday you celebrate, may Peace finds us sooner rather than later.

Back to work tomorrow for me, but I have a few hours to live the fun.

Have a wonderful evening and enjoy the updates!


Monday, December 24, 2007


I'm halfway there. This holiday season is almost over. Yippee!

Oh. Sorry. Guess I should be more heart-warming with my sentiments. Happy holidays, y'all!


Sunday, December 23, 2007

Wrapping Craze

Spent the morning making cheesecake for the holiday and then the afternoon wrapping gifts for the 7 year old and a few others. Tomorrow I will spend time at my desk at work for a bit of the day then home to a quiet abode.

May the week ahead be splendid.

Enjoy your updates.


Saturday, December 22, 2007

Not All Here

Sleeping with someone who snores isn't helping me get over this cold. I'll let y'all at this huge update and save myself the effort of thinking of something more substantial to put here. Thank you, P&P!


Friday, December 21, 2007

Weekend Arrives

TGIF was a good thing in my day. The week was long and not pleasant and I truly looked forward to its end. Spent the later part of the afternoon in downtown Seattle with a happy seven year old. We skipped a few things since we both were a bit tired, but had a grand time riding through the city on horse and carriage.

Home now to enjoy movie 5 of the Harry Potter series. May you all have a grand weekend and I will ramble at you later.

Enjoy the update!


Thursday, December 20, 2007


A little news from Erin O'Rielly....
Intaglio Publications, Inc. is proud to announce the release of New Beginnings by Erin O'Reilly & JM Dragon

New Beginnings
ISBN: 978-1-933113-76-0
Price: $16.95

Available at Bella Distribution and StarCrossed Productions

View a New Beginnings trailer and listen to JM Dragon readings.

This is a two story odyssey about the lives of four women who are inextricably linked and how they fight their own personal demons to find the strength to love. A curious mix of intrigue, deception, and finally understanding follow all four.

Lauren Walker and Maggie Sullivan meet in a quiet lakeside vacation point and have a spontaneous attraction to each other that sparks immediately. The pace of events that crashes around them only supersedes the speed of their romance.

Tragedy appears to be the middle name of Harriet Aristides, and she wears the glove so well it is hard to believe she will ever be truly happy again, after a terrible accident robs of her of the woman she loves. Corporate intrigue and the promise of wonderful discoveries, however make up the rest of her life. Incredibly, she enters the unknown realm of a field trip into the jungles of South America with a small team of people who work for her.

Nichola (Nicky) Ralston has a personal secret of her own, which if it came to light, would dramatically change the way that Harriet views their friendship. As they become close in the confines of the jungle, Nicky sets about innocently to change the way Harriet looks at life and leads her back to a place where she can love again.

As things begin to change in Harriet's world, a situation insidiously enters her life. This draws her life and Nicky's to the lives of Lauren and Maggie. Will she allow herself to forgive and forget?

erin o'reilly

Y'all enjoy the updates!


Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Flying By

Time seems to be rushing quickly now. Work has been hectic with everyone wanting the projects completed by the weekend. I guess to clean it all up prior to the holiday. I have just a few more cookies to make and then all is complete. One must wrap and perhaps get those holiday cards out a bit late. Oh well, better late than never.

Back to your updates, enjoy them!


Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Winter Cold

My kids have been snotting around for about a week with a mild cold. No fever, just runny noses and some coughing. Sadly I'm now succumbing. That's not a good thing for those who are forced to live with me. My mood, which hasn't been great lately, is bound to turn cranky. Just when everyone will be expecting that holiday cheer, I'll be biting heads off. Aw, who am I kidding? They never expect Christmas cheer from me. All will be normal.


Monday, December 17, 2007

Monday Already?

Cookie baking land in my kitchen. Many batches already done, but quite a few more to go. The holidays bring so many odd traditions out and this is mine most definitely. Back to it I go. Please enjoy your updates!


Sunday, December 16, 2007

Ramble from Linda

I love it when Linda sends us a ramble.
The Rules of Gift Giving

My mother has one rule of gift them what they need. Such as clothes. No child wants socks and underwear for Christmas. I have one basic rule...I buy them what they WANT!! That makes me the favorite at Christmas and Birthdays.

As soon as I was old enough to buy gifts for my brothers and sister, I had one basic rule with three sub-rules.

Tell me what you want and I will get it for you as long as....
1...I could afford it
2...It doesn't freak out the parents.
3...It wasn't alive.

Time moves on and things change. By the 80's when the nieces and nephews started arriving, I needed to add a few more sub-rules....

4...No weapons.
5...Nothing that could be turned into a weapon. (two of the nephews could turn a harmless teddy bear into a deadly weapon)
6...Nothing that makes loud noises, such as drum sets, microphones, horns, etc. (Unless of course I was pissed off at their parents at the time)
7...Nothing that has two wheels and a motor. Dirt bikes and motorcycles make me nervous. (It is even hard for me to let the kids ride their bicycles when they are with me.)
8...No toys that will one day involve the police showing up.
9...Nothing that will involve me one day having to shave the rug to get it out. (been there, done that, don't need to it again)
10...Up-date to rule 2...nothing that would freak ME out.

That's the rules so far. I am sure by the time the next generation arrive, I will have to add more.


I never minded getting socks and underwear for Christmas but Mike hates it. Please thank Linda for rambling for us. I want her to feel encouraged to share these with us any ol' time.


Saturday, December 15, 2007

Ramble from Kali

Feeling lucky! Another person shares some fun with you all.
I had my own little Hanukkah miracle this year and I wanted to share.

My tale begins with my efforts as a home electrician. I have a number of projects that I really should call a professional in to fix. We spent a bunch of money when we first bought our home 3 plus years ago on an electrician and I really didn't want to incur a fee in 2007.

One of the former owners put in a florescent light in the garage. Apparently it wasn't done to code and wasn't noticed by any one. Up until we had a city inspector stop by to look at the work our electrician did. Does he have a problem with any of the work we contracted? No. But he tosses on an open permit for the garage light. I refuse to pay to fix it, since it works fine and the code has more to do with cya than substance. However I am am now hesitant to call an electrician.

Last year I bought a timer switch to add to our master bath to shut off the fan so we don't waste electricity and leave it on for hours after we shower in the am & head to work. After turning off the power to the circuit I took the cover off disconnect everything, but the wires don't seem to be the correct size and the unit doesn't work. The angle is very awkward to screw & unscrew I reattach everything & try again another day, same problem. I put all back in the closet and leave same as before.

I have a 2 bulb circular light in my son's ceiling. One bulb appeared to die so I bought 2 replacements 1 for each size, assuming the 2nd would go soon. However I go to put the new one in & it doesn't work. I determine there is a problem with the unit my father-in-law added at my partner's request; it's worked fine for 2 years. I decide to just leave the one bulb in & since its on the ceiling and I can't shove the cover back on as it is awkward & won't catch even when I'm on a ladder. It remains coverless & not very attractive.

I did successfully change the doorbell. My partner was surprised it worked and there were no extra holes in the wall, etc. Oh yee of little faith.

Now you have an idea of my electronic work ethic so you won't be surprised to know that when a switch for the light above the kitchen sink won't turn off I try duct tape to keep it in the off position. These are designer switches and wider and flatter than the standard light switch. Mysteriously the duct tape doesn't work, which I can't understand as duct tape is supposed to be a handi-person's friend.

I head to the basement, turn on aforementioned garbage light & try to turn off the power to remove the bulb. I flick the switch for the kitchen, nope. Try the one for the garbage disposal that shares the same switch plate. Nope not the right one. I try a few more random switches; it's still on. Needless to say I'm stymied. I really don't feel like turning the power to the whole house off switch by switch or buying one of those circuit finders for 39.99 so I don't.

I let that light shine. And shine it does and has been since mid October. That light has been on every blessed day & night going strong. I figured it would die, but no it shined on every day reminding me that it was in control and not me of my own home.

Here's the miracle. My son & I lit all the Hanukkah candles the for the 8th night. We go to bed. I wake up the morning of the 8th day of Hanukah and lo and behold the light over the sink has gone out.

So yes I still have to call an electrician but now I can rest easy knowing I'm no longer wasting electricity and the house is mine again burnt out bulb and all.

Have a great holiday everyone.


Thanks, Kali, good luck and enjoy that darkness!

And to all...enjoy the updates!


Friday, December 14, 2007


The effects of our ice storm are still being felt by some in my state. My mom and dad still don't have power. Thank goodness mom remembered we had a generator. I, of course, forgot my brother-in-law gave Mike and his mom joint ownership of a new generator last Christmas. That generator has saved their bacon (literally) and kept the refrigerator and freezer up and running. The few hours of having the heater on are most welcome as well. Mom is mighty tired of doing everything by candle and lamplight.

The kids ended up being out of school through Wednesday. They had power outages to thank for that. I think Cal's elementary school didn't have power until Tuesday. You'll be happy to know both of my kids are alive and well. I was sure happy to send them off to school on Thursday.

Tonight my part of the state is expecting 2-6 inches of snow. Nothing like the northeastern part of the US receives but it's a lot to us. We're snow wimps. I'm not complaining though. I'll take snow over ice any day.

Y'all stay warm if it's cold where you live and enjoy the updates.


Thursday, December 13, 2007

Too Pooped for Words

Let's just contemplate life and our place in it as we read!



Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Ramble from Stacy

No words from me tonight because Stacy very kindly consented to let us use a truly hilarious blog entry of hers.
Ah, holiday decorating...a gathering of the family working together to show that old spirit. The smell of cookies baking, those feelings of nostalgia as each ornament is brought out, holiday music and the like.

I do remember those days when I was a kid. My parents made an effort to provide that type of atmosphere as stated above, and they did a pretty good job for the most part.

As I try to mimic that effect upon my family, I is NOTHING of the sort. I believe a new tradition has taken place as I am now the matriarch of this particular family unit, which includes myself, a 15 year-old drama queen and her boyfriend, four cats that won't stay out of the way, and the ex upstairs who chooses not to participate in any festivities whatsoever.

To compare now from then, there are some significant changes that have taken place since my childhood experiences of those 'memorable' holiday moments:

THEN: My parents, my siblings and I would go to a live tree lot and pick out that "one special tree" together. Some years we would even go to the mountains and chop it down ourselves.

NOW: I walk into an arachnid-infested outdoor storage unit and pull out a bin which contains my artificial tree, separate branches which are numbered and have to be placed on the 'trunk' in a specific order. I don't really regret having an artificial tree for many of which I can't stand it when it comes down, then disgarding it after its untimely death (in other words, I feel sorry for it).

THEN: There was always holiday music in the background.

NOW: I tell the kids, "turn off the TV and turn on some holiday music". Holiday music these days is...I of Comcast's metal music stations. I am currently listening to a song called, "Love is a bitchslap"...those sugar plums are really dancing in my head now!

THEN: Dad would secure the tree, and we'd get out the ornaments and start carefully placing them on the tree.

NOW: The branches are numbered and are different sizes. My daughter is screaming at her boyfriend, "NO! We're on number 7, DICK! (His name is Andy) MOM! WE DON'T HAVE ENOUGH BRANCHES!" She asks me, "can we have some people over?" I yell, "NO! Look at this place! There's crap everywhere! NO!" 30 minutes later (tree not done, crap still everywhere), she asks me again. "NO! We're not done! We don't have anything to make cookies with!" "SO??" "NO! WE CAN'T HAVE PEOPLE OVER WITHOUT COOKIES!" Meanwhile, Andy whacks himself with one of those branches in the eye while trying to fit it in the 'trunk'. Oh, and my child is basically sitting on her ass and shouting orders at her boyfriend. I'm sitting here writing this blog, because if I start helping, they will BOTH sit on their asses.

THEN: My sister and I would watch a holiday special.

NOW: Kristina and Andy want me to watch something called "High Tension" with them...a badly made French horror movie.

So new traditions are beginning take hold and pass down to the grandchildren (which I hope TO GOD that is far off)...

From all of us to all of you...A very dysfunctional holiday season!


Please thank Stacy for letting me post this ramble. I'll have to stalk her blog and perhaps she'll share more in the future.


Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Ramble from Ze

Got lucky...a last minute ramble was sent in by the one and only Ze!
Last year the city council had a temporary ice rink for Christmas (we don't have a permanent one) but I couldn't go because I was too broken.

They have it up again this year.

Ok - that's enough, quiet down you lot... I can hear the groans from all the way across the Atlantic.

I'm not a good skater. Well... that's a bit of an understatement. I'm a crap skater. I skate about as well as a three-legged hippo. But I approach skating as I do much in life (or did before my motorcycle accident) - with a sense of adventure, a sense of joy in living and a sense of fun, totally inappropriate for my age but well in keeping with my (non-metric) shoe size. I'm an enthusiastic but haphazard skater. Think lots of flapping arms, three-quarters of the time horizontal not vertical (hmm...wait a mo... that's my life not just my skating... *g*) with a lot of laughter.

So I went skating. I went with a friend - who is an excellent skater (naturally - she's generally graceful in most of what she does).

It was pretty empty when we got there as it had only just opened and it doesn't get busy until the late afternoon/early evening. I figured that the fewer people there were the less likely I would be to cause mayhem. Crashing into two people doesn't have the same knock-on effect as crashing into the last six of a group of thirty... dominoes anybody??

I put my (rented) skates on and stood up.

So far so good. I took a step. Still vertical. Brilliant!! Now the hard bit. Off the carpet and onto the ice.

Right foot on the ice.

Still vertical and right foot stayed still. Even better.

Raised left foot in preparation of placing that on the ice also. Right foot began to move slightly.

Entered panic mode and attempted to stop right foot by placing left foot down quickly and raising right foot. Left foot hits ice and slides quickly - in opposite direction to right.

Damn that ice is cold on your bum.

Time to stand. Gather both feet under and push up. Yaay!! Vertical again. Right foot forward and off we go. Step, trip, stagger, scuffle. A whole quarter of the way round the rink.

Oh sh*t. Who put that barrier there.

Oooh - look at all the pretty lights.

My friend rushed over & checked quickly for concussion. Nah. I'm fine.

Back on the feet and more of the same. My friend was skating backwards and forwards and circling around me to make sure I was ok. Man I was so impressed, she can skate backwards. I managed a whole circuit of the rink without a) falling down and b) lifting a skate off the ice. For me that's practically Olympic gold medal standard. We were both starting to have a really good time by then. I'm acting like a big kid and grinning all over my face. (Daft expression that.... can you imagine what that would look like if you took it literally??) And my friend was smiling and showing off.

And then some bloody pillock arrives who thinks he's Christopher Dean and that my friend (as a really cute femme) can't possibly want to hang around with me when she could re-create Bolero with him. He started showing off. He's not half as good a skater as he thinks he is either. She ignored him. He started showing off even more and decided to do a jump with some sort of twirly bit in it (sorry - I don't know the proper terms for this - I don't follow skating as a sport). And since he isn't that good he crashed on landing.

Unfortunately I was in his path as he slid across the ice.

Did you know you can dislocate your knee??

Nope. Me neither.

But you can.

And Jesus H Christ does it hurt.

And who knew that my friend could use language like that. Boy was she upset. She took his ancestry back about four generations and cast aspersions on them all.

He called her a f*ckin' dyke. Blimey mate - that's imaginative did it hurt to think that hard??

The manager came over. My friend did her best upper-middle-class-professional-severely-upset-and-thinking-of-legal-advice routine. We got a refund, a free gluhwein, a voucher for a free skating session and a taxi to the hospital. He got chucked out and banned. I decided I don't like gluhwein.

The doc gave me a shot of something that put me out like a light and she put my knee back in. Then they gave me a scrip for codeine phosphate and sent me home. The friend came home with me (hospital said I needed someone with me while I was still stoned) and made me coffee and set up a gel pack for my leg and is now pampering me like crazy.

She's cute when she worries.

Ow!! She hit me!! She was reading over my shoulder when I typed that last bit (which of course was why I typed it *g*).She has to go soon as she's meeting her g/f - they're off to the g/f's work Christmas meal tonight. She wanted to make sure I was ok after the shot wore off. Which I am. It aches like blazes but will be ok to walk on tomorrow.The best bit?? The rink is there until 2nd January. I'll be ok to go again long before that. And it'll be free!! I can't wait. Neither can my orthopaedic surgeon.


I realize I should be feeling bad, which of course I do, but that was after a good bit of laughing. Once again Ze's incredible sense of adventure leaves me smiling. Hey, mate, I do hope you mend quickly.

Now back to your updates, enjoy 'em!


Monday, December 10, 2007


An ice storm hit Oklahoma yesterday. It's bad enough the kids didn't have school today. Ice isn't as much fun as snow but the kids still rode down the hill in our backyard on a snowboard. Trees encrusted with an inch of ice aren't very much fun to crash into, however.

My mom's power is off but so far we've only been without power for a bit last night and today just a few flickers. Cable (and thus my internet) were down most of the afternoon. That wasn't a hardship though. We're a household well-stocked with DVDs.

I'm expecting the kids to be home tomorrow as well. More freezing rain is in our forecast and the temps are dropping now that night is falling. Send good thoughts my way that I don't end up killing one or both of my children if ice keeps them home tomorrow too.


Sunday, December 09, 2007

Weekend Wrap Up

A day of rest. It feels that way today. Yesterday was a day of busy and today is the opposite. Few chores out and about then home for the day. I like these kind of days. Was hoping to clean the spare room, chose to put it off another weekend. Not like company will be here soon anyway.

The house is fully decorated for the upcoming holiday season and there is a bit of calm right before the cookie baking fest begins.

Enough of my rambles, on to your updates. Enjoy 'em!


Saturday, December 08, 2007

Ramble from Linda

Time for a treat....
For the last couple of days I have been fighting a nasty cold. Thursday morning I woke up to find I could finally breathe through my nose again. I felt fine and went to woke my nieces up for school. Ellie was already awake, reading in bed. So I went to call out Victoria's name and all that came out of my mouth was a squeak like a mouse.

So I gave a little cough to clear my throat and tried again. "Squeakria" was what I said. I assumed that Ellie found this funny because she fell off the bed laughing. The laughter was what finally woke Victoria up. Ellie kept saying "Say her name again." I did and now I had the two of them laughing at me. So I left the room.

I had lost my voice. If I tried to talk normally I squeaked. But I could whisper. After the girls left for school, I made some hot tea with lemon and honey and waited until my mother woke up. Mom said I had two choices I could go to the doctor but I would most likely be told to be what I was already doing. Soothing hot drinks and don't talk. Mom did call our doctor and he agreed with her but he call in a prescription for a cough medicine.

That night at dinner Ellie had a blast teasing me. Every time I would whisper for something to be passed to me and she would reply "Sorry. What was that? Can’t hear you." Soon everyone was doing it. Ok, so everyone was having fun at my expense but the thing was they were having fun as a family.

I know the girls need that family feeling as they go through their first holiday without their mother. My sister is getting better and she is doing great in drug rehab center she is at. She gets a day pass on Sundays to see the girls for a couple of hours but is still not well enough for more than that.

For the next couple of days I will have to let them call me "Squeakers" until I get my voice back. BTW, when my mother gave the girls their snack last night, she gave me a piece of cheese. Et tu, Mother!

Squeakers AKA Linda

Boy do I ever love Linda's mom. I can see where you get your sense of humor, Linda. Thanks for the words and send them anytime!


Friday, December 07, 2007

Tree Night

The kiddo and I will decorate our large noble, which is currently sitting bare in the living room. Lights, ornaments and the usual brings us fun. I do love the tree once a year. Scents, sights and entertainment as we watch the fur balls run around it happily as if they were outside. One month a year and each tree bringing a uniqueness to our life. Memories to keep, kind of like life, paths created and followed all different and yet so similar. Gives us hope and fills the season with excitement.

Traditions were a bit thin in my household as a kid growing up within a zero religion space. My grandparents brought this season alive for us though. The magic of the tree brings those great moments back in my mind, at least for a little while each year. Now I get to share the same ornaments and fun with my daughter. Holding onto the traditions that may one day move further down a road.

Have a great weekend. Enjoy your updates!
