Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Solsice - and Nearly Christmas!!!!!

It was the Solstice in the wee small hours this morning. We wish our Wiccan and Pagan readers a Good Yule or Good Litha.

Tomorrow is Mawlid an Nabi - the birth of the Prophet Muhammad - celebrated by some branches of Islam. We wish those of our Muslim readers who mark this day a good festival.

And... it's nearly Christmas!! *bounces*

If you're in the UK (and the weather is co-operative) on Christmas Eve you should be able to see the International Space Station fly past (it moves bloody quickly so be ready). It should pass from west to east sometime around 5.20pm. If you have kiddies who still believe in Father Christmas tell them it's him flying on his travels and the shine is Rudolph's nose. It will be Magic for them.

Hell - just knowing I can see the Space Station flying over is magic to me. And I'm a long way past the kid stage.

And on the subject of Father Christmas don't forget about the NORAD Santa Tracker.


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