Tuesday, December 15, 2015

I'm Dreaming of a Wet Christmas

Because I'm certainly not expecting a white one.

We've had so much rain in the last couple of months it's ridiculous. It's nowhere near as bad down here in the south-west as is was last year. Or as bad as the north-west (of England) had it just recently. But the ground is waterlogged and the rain that continues to fall just sits on the top.

Totally ridiculous temperatures too. The overnight temps are around 14 to 15 Celcius.

Overnight. In December. Ridiculous.


LiveJournal pretty much died as far as fanfic communities go - though one or two still update - so it's mildly surprising to find a new community dedicated to writing. It's for original work not fanfic but if you fancy a look it's here - Words in the Brain


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to tell you how sad I am that you discontinue the updating and just wanted to tell you all how thankful I am for all the work you put into this through the years.

Not only will I miss the updates, but also the news about your life you share, very often both amusing and touching.

Thanks you again, Anja