Wednesday, April 09, 2014

This Blessed Plot.

A beautiful day. Just as sunny as yesterday but without the bitterly cold wind.

At lunch-break I decided I didn't want to sit in the portakabin with the lads, watching the electricians playing cards, knowing it'll end in a lot of bad words. Nor did I want to listen to the smug Chelsea fan crowing about the fact that they overturned a 2-goal deficit to beat PSG and go through to the European semi-final. And we didn't, having been knocked out of the tournament in the previous round, by the best team in Europe.

So I took my paste sarnies off to the edge of the site. Far enough away from the noise that it was barely there. Where I could look out over some fields, and a stand of trees.

And a lone cottage, which must have stood for a couple of centuries by itself in the quiet countryside, and is now practically part of the town. Its garden home to a majestic magnolia tree, probably nearly as old as the cottage, currently a stunning display of blossom.

I watched two goldfinches engage in a spectacular aerial dance. (European goldfinches are totally different to the north American bird of the same name). And I was surrounded by heliotrope and forget-me-nots and willow-herb and daisies and the songs of a dozen different birds.

And for a short while I was at peace. And I went back to work thinking how great it was to be alive in springtime.

I wish for that peace for all of you. See you next week, goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


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