Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Electrifying Web-slingers.

This coming weekend is Easter. And this year is one of those where the Western Christian denominations, the various Eastern Orthodox churches, and the Coptic Christian churches all celebrate on the same day. So, to all our Christian readers a blessed Holy Week and a good Easter to you.

And to all those who celebrate a non-religious Easter (which doesn't sound quite right, but you know what I mean), Happy Easter.

Went to see the new Spider-Man film tonight. It was better than I expected. The character of Electro (though not following comics canon for his back-story - but let's face it, there are so many versions of the Marvel comic-verse that even the comics don't follow comics canon!!), was pretty well done, I had been a little concerned that they'd make a complete travesty of him, the way the DC movie Batman and Robin made such a total mess of Mr. Freeze. But they didn't.

Saw Captain America: The Winter Soldier last week. That was well done, too. I can recommend them, if comic book heroes are your thing then you should enjoy both these.

See you next week. Good night and may your God/s go with you.


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