Thursday, April 17, 2014

Almost There

Cal missed a good chunk of the week. He ended up not having strep throat. Instead he came down with hand, foot and mouth disease. Yeah, I'd never heard of it either. Gave him a helluva sore throat and a high fever for a couple of days of high fever. The worst of that happened over the weekend. We went to the doc on Monday and got the diagnosis. By then he'd broken out in the blisters. The stay at home was due to those blisters...when they break the fluids contain the virus.

Today he went back to school. He's going to look great in his class picture with all of the scabbed over places on his face but at least he's in the pic. He'll have two days of school this week and then be off for a week of Spring Break. I know I'm ready for that week off.


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