Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Cry - God for Shakey, England and St. George!

As I mentioned yesterday, today was St George's Day. Even though we know absolutely nothing about the original saint, apart from the fact he was a Christian martyred in Palestine, the legends are many and varied.

And apparently the old boy got around a bit, too. Not only is he patron saint of England, but he's also patron saint of Portugal, Germany, (really?? I never knew that), Aragon, Catalonia, Genoa, and Venice. If any of our readers from those places felt like celebrating the day - hope you had a good one.

Today was also Shakespeare's Birthday. The 450th anniversary of his birth. England's most famous playwright. And no - don't believe any of that rubbish about it really being the Earl of Oxford. Class prejudice - pure and simple. Shakespeare wrote the plays. No question.

This Friday is ANZAC Day. To our New Zealand and Australian readers - thank you. To all who mark the day. A peaceful day to you. Lest We Forget.

See you next week. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


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