Tuesday, April 12, 2011


I nearly wasn't here to update for you this week.

It began on Sunday...

It was another gloriously sunny day. So I decided to do some gardening, I've been so busy doing other people's gardens (my sister's, my old lady friend, etc,) I've neglected ours. So I decided to mow the lawn. Let's just say I'm so glad I fitted a circuit breaker.

I have repaired the lead but it's a wee bit shorter than it used to be.

Deciding the garden was a dangerous place I came indoors to do some tasks around the house. I repaired the broken light fitting in my bedroom (without incident). Swept and mopped the kitchen floor, cleaned the bathroom, etc. Then I noticed how dirty the kitchen windows were. I decided to clean them. Standing on a chair to do so. A wooden chair. On a wet tile floor.

The chair - naturally - slid. I over-balanced. I put out my left hand to save myself (I can't afford to fall onto my right shoulder if I don't want to completely lose the use of my bad arm). There was a glass on the counter. I use the word "was" deliberately. It is no more. I have a rather large slice missing from my left index finger, it took 2 hours to stop bleeding.

It was at this point my cousin decided her nerves could stand no more. She ordered me to stop doing things. She informed me that I wasn't safe to be allowed to tie my own shoes unsupervised and I should sit down and not move a muscle. Ever again. I sort of agreed with her.

I decided that doing housework was far too hazardous. I spent the rest of the day sitting in the sunshine, drinking coffee, and reading one of my new (birthday present) books. Much safer.

They say hard work never killed anyone. I beg to differ. It might just kill me at this rate.



Tamara said...

I didn't think there could be anyone who damaged her body more than E. As I always tell her, "I break things, you break yourself." You, my friend, have her beat.

E said...

By a whole lot!