Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Birthdays, Beltane, and Summer.

First things first - revenge is sweet *g*... It's my fellow grunt's birthday today and I'm sure you'll all want to join me in wishing her a very happy one - so Elisa, mate...


In other news... the weather is still absolutely glorious. I'm enjoying it as much as possible because chances are it won't last and we'll have another soggy summer. Summer's on it's way (yeah I know it's still only the middle of spring but still...) because the house martins have been back for a week and today I saw a pair of swallows. Still no swifts yet, though. I'll know it's really almost summer when the swifts return.

Speaking of spring/summer - this coming weekend is Beltane (in the northern hemisphere anyway, Samhain in the southern) so for our pagan readers Good Beltane/Samhain to you all.

Not a lot to read tonight - but enjoy your updates anyway. See you next week. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


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