Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Short week whinge.

Hell...short fortnight whinge.

Bank holiday for Good Friday, bank holiday for Easter Monday, bank holiday for that damn' wedding, and then a bank holiday for Mayday/International Workers' Day. A four-day-week, followed by a three-day-week followed by a four-day-week. Very nice if you're employed and get paid for bank holidays. Sucks if you're self-employed and don't. It's all right for all that lot at the wedding - they don't want for cash.

If they absolutely had to have another bank holiday couldn't they have had it later in the year - July maybe. The cynic in me says they're only having a royal occasion because the Tories always do something like that when they need to distract us from the mess they're making of the welfare system. The double-cynic in me says that it's no coincidence that the local elections (city & county councils) are on 5th May. Are they hoping for a so-called "feel good factor" to carry over from the celebrations and persuade us all to vote for them??

Not gonna happen. It kind of telling that there are so few applications for street-party licences this time around. There were close to one hundred times as many for the Queen's Golden Jubilee a few years back.

And as far all the over-priced, second-rate tat that passes for souvenirs... junk the lot of it. I want one of those Harry/Kate mugs though. They'll probably be the only thing worth money in years to come. None of the Charles & Diana stuff, or the Silver Jubilee stuff, is worth much.

I had a bone china mug (from Queen Victoria's Golden Jubilee) as a kid, that my grandmother gave me. That was worth something. I know it was because my mother sold it to buy booze and she got enough money for it to buy a whole case of vodka.

I'm staying as far away from a TV as is possible on Friday. I think I'll got for a hike on Dartmoor - as long as it isn't still on fire... there was a grass fire over the weekend - 2.5km long by 200m deep - we've had unseasonably dry weather and unusually hot temps.


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