Wednesday, April 06, 2011

The sun is a-shining to welcome the day...

...with a hey ho come to the fair.

Well, after grumbling yesterday that the weather had been bad, today was glorious. Brilliant sunshine, a gentle breeze. And I got to work outside, in the country, with birds singing, rolling hills, sheep in the field, a stream nearby which definitely qualified as "a babbling brook". And the forecast for the rest of the week is just as good. In fact it should be (the unseasonably warm) 19 or 20c tomorrow. Ah life is good.

Loads of work coming up, too. I may actually begin to be able to not only pay my bills but also start saving again. Which would be great. Because if I can scrape together enough airfare there's a couple of reprobates in Seattle I've promised to visit as soon as I can. And some good friends in Texas I'd like to see again. Here's hoping!!

See you next week, goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


1 comment:

E said...

Well we are having unseasonably cold and extra rainy weather, but I will happily keep it if it means you get some warmth and savings to visit us!